In line with the 2023 to 2024 Apprenticeship Funding rules (V.1) we have made a number of developments to the platform in order to respond to these changes. Whilst the 2023 to 2024 funding rules apply from 1st August 2023, we can release a number of these ahead of time without impacting existing compliance.
Training plan commitments
We have added the following line to the “main provider” section of the training plan commitments:
“The employer has confirmed the apprentice is included in the PAYE scheme declared in the apprenticeship service account.”
Remove ESF branded for starts after 01/08/23
For learners with start dates on or after 01/08/23 we will remove the European Social Fund branding from the learning plan
Residency questions in enrolment
We have added the following questions to the primary list of “applicant’s residency status” in the Basic personal details – Residency section of the enrolment workflow:
- Irish national living in the EEA or Switzerland
We have added the following questions to the secondary list of “applicant’s residency status” in the Basic personal details – Residency section of the enrolment workflow:
- Child of a person who has received leave under section 67 of the Immigration Act 2016
- Child of a person who has received Calais leave to remain
- Member of the armed forces
Additional data capture for residency questions in enrolment
We have added an optional free-text capture box under the “Residency” section of the basic personal details enrolment step. This can be used to capture additional notes around the learner’s eligibility such as Visa expiry details if required.
Text entered in the box will subsequently be displayed in the eligibility section of the Applicant Summary document.
Recruit an Apprentice confirmation
We have made the “Was the ‘recruit an Apprentice’ service used by the employer to recruit this applicant?” question optional
Household situation
We have made the “Household status” question optional
Please note: Whilst the “recruit an Apprentice” and “Household situation” requirements have been removed for the 23/24 rules the questions will remain an optional element to accommodate changes across multiple funding years. Their continue inclusion will be reviewed later in the academic year.
Learner consent to share LLDD information
We have added a question to the Support and Access requirements section of the enrolment workflow. This will be mandatory for all new starts and learners going whose enrolments have been edited.
“Does the applicant give their permission for information relating to their disabilities/learning difficulties to be shared with their employer?”
Updated privacy notice
We have updated the “Use of personal information by third parties (aka. privacy notice) section with the latest wording from the ESFA:
RPL discussion page renamed
We have renamed the “Recognition of Prior Learning discussion” page to “Initial Assessment (IA) discussion” to better reflect the purpose and content of this section. This change will also be reflected on the Training Plan where this detail is summarised.
Coming soon:
Removal of employer signature on Application summary document
In relation to the learner providing their consent to share information with their employer, we will be removing the requirement for employers to the sign the Application summary document for all learner records created after 1st August 2023. The application summary document will be seen by learners and providers only. Learners created before this date, regardless of their programme start date will still be required to have both the learner and employer sign.
Addition of selected employment information to the training plan document
We will be adding the employment section of the Applicant Summary document to the training plan document between. This will include the following information
- Employer name
- Address
- Job role
- Ave. no. employees in last year, inc this applicant
- Employer contact
- Telephone
- Employment start date
- Are you delivering this apprenticeship to your own employee?
- Position
- Programme funding
- Was the “recruit an Apprentice” service used by the employer to recruit this applicant?
Removal of selected employment information from Applicant summary document
We will be removing the following information from the applicant summary document employment section. All none-highlighted information will remain present.
- Ave. no. employees in last year, inc this applicant
- Are you delivering this apprenticeship to your own employee?
- Was the “recruit an Apprentice” service used by the employer to recruit this applicant?
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