Release 4.66 - 9th January 2024

ILR Audits

We are delighted to announce that this release will see the introduction of an all-new feature for ILR Administrators. The ILR Audit will provide a detailed history of changes made that directly impact on ILR data, including:

  • What changes were made
  • Who made the changes
  • When were the changes made
  • Which process was responsible for the changes

The ILR Audit feature will display audits for the following business processes and overrides from launch, with many more audit points being added in forthcoming releases:

  • Business Process – Learner extended personal details (Via edit flow)
  • Override – Learning Delivery End Details
  • Override – Learning Aim Details
  • Override – New learning Aim Added
  • Override - Learning Aim Removed
  • Override – Learning Aim Restored
  • Override - Basic Learner Details

Further information on the ILR Audit feature including a video walkthrough can be found via the ILR Audit knowledgebase article here.

ILR Audits.PNG


EPA Enhancements

There are several enhancements to our existing EPA functionality going out in this release. More information about Bud's EPA capabilities can be found in our knowledge base articles here.

EPA Outcomes

We have improved the failed EPA process so that different outcomes can be recorded: 

  • Resits - where a learner fails an individual assessment component and needs to resit it. 
  • Retakes - where a learner fails their assessment, and needs to go back into Learning. 

A later release will include learners who have failed their assessment and will not continue; also known as Completions without Achievement. 

Enhanced Compliance checks entering EPA

We’ve added to the enhanced Compliance Checks functionality to include the ability to reject a learner from going into EPA at the Compliance Check step. This behavior will mirror the IQA rejection process with the full audit visible. 

EPA Coordinator

Providers can now assign an 'EPA Coordinator' to a learner's EPA record. This will improve the ability to track who owns which learners in EPA and will be available within reporting in our next release. The user will be able to select who the EPA Coordinator is, but note, this will not drive any access or permissions, it is only a data point for reporting.


Bug Fixes

When a learner confirms a submission after is has been marked, this confirmation was incorrectly updating the ‘Submitted on’ date. This has been fixed and the submitted-on date will reflect the date that the work was uploaded.


Data Warehouse Release - Wednesday 10th @ 2:30pm


Standard Reports

We have made a few adjustments to the Standard reports since our last release, including:

  • Additional slicers have been added to the In Flight & Breaks, EPA and Admin Sections
  • A BKSB Enabled flag to the Programme Management report

Financial Forecasting

We have added a new landing page to the finance reports to collate all the new content being added.

As part of the new content, we are also excited to launch our new Financial Forecasting page within this report. The Forecasting focuses on two areas, the first being a user input of starts projection for 2 academic years. This data is calculated using your provider averages (also summarised on the page) you can use the slider to input your expected monthly starts to drive the projection of £ based on your current averages in the graph below:


The second graph looks at your pipeline applicants and brings in any £ that can be calculated based on the data entered.

Further detail on the methodology or calculations can be found in our Zendesk guide here.


Data Warehouse Fields

In this release we have added two new fields to Presentation.[EPA Meetings and Assessments] and removed the [Qualification Level] field from Presentation.[Learning Outcome] – users should be using [Qualification Level String].

Where an activity is removed from a learning plan following an update to the programme via Programme Management, we have moved that activity from Presentation.Activity to a new table called Presentation.[Deleted Activities]. This table is the same as Presentation.Activity with the addition of an extra column denoting when the deletion was processed in the DWH.

A full list of fields can be found in the attachment and the bottom of this article.

The following field has now been removed in this release.

Table Name Column Name Description Data Type
Learning Outcome Qualification Level Replaced by Qualification Level String which allows for non-integer Qualification Levels smallint


Possible Breaking change for ETL Customers – In the next sprint we are planning to change Presentation.[EPA Gateway Audit Log] [User Type] to a varchar(50) from a varchar(7) to account for the new User Type of Compliance. This may cause a breaking change for our ETL Customers.