We are excited to introduce Flexible Enrolment Questions, a new feature which allows you to define specific enrolment questions per programme. This will be part of our Enterprise tier, which launches on the 1st November.
As a programme contributor or manager, you will be able to create customised questions for each programme, providing greater flexibility in the enrolment process. You'll be able to add different question types, including:
- Text questions
- Multiple-choice questions
- Yes/No questions
You will have the opportunity to add question branching with the Yes/No questions, which will enable you to explore specific question paths with greater depth, where necessary.
As part of creating questions, you, as program managers or contributors, have the option to decide whether a question is displayed during the self-enrolment flow for the applicant to complete.
You will also have more flexibility when creating your questions to ensure that your enrolment process meets your needs. This includes the ability to decide if a question is mandatory or optional to answer, the ability to specify if text questions require a short or long answer, and the option for users to select just one or multiple answer options for the Multiple Choice question.
For your apprenticeship programs, you'll be able to leverage the edit published program functionality. The questions added will then be displayed to all new applications. Any learners who go through the edit flow will not see these questions as they didn't apply during their initial enrolment.
Keep an eye out on our release notes for the latest updates.
Please see the video below for a demo on how to add custom questions to your programmes: