Withdrawing a learner

Withdrawing an active learner


  • The learner must have a learning plan status of "In Progress" or "In EPA"
  • To request a withdrawal the user must have the "trainer" or "operations manager" role
  • To approve/reject a withdrawal request the user must have the "operations manager" role
  • To process/reject an approved withdrawal the user must have the "General administrator" role
  • A minimum of 2 unique users are required to complete the process - It is possible a single user may have multiple roles assigned i.e. Operations manager & General administrator and will therefore be able to complete more than one process whilst logged in. 


  1. Select a learner from the learner list
  2. Navigate to Administration > Change of circumstances 
  3. Select the "withdrawals" tab
  4. Select "Start Withdrawal Request"
  5. Enter "Date of notification"
  6. Enter "Date of last activity"
  7. Confirm that the withdrawal has been agreed by the learner
  8. Confirm that the withdrawal has been agreed by the employer
  9. Select a reason for withdrawal
  10. Add additional note commentary
  11. Upload file if required
  12. Select "Request Withdrawal"
  13. The request withdrawal process will now be complete and the learner's learning plan status will be set to "Withdrawal requested"

Logged in as a user with the "operations manager" role

  1. Follow steps 1-3 above
  2. Review the withdrawal request details previously submitted
  3. If rejecting the request: tick "Reject Withdrawal" and provide a reason for the rejection
  4. If approving the request tick "Approve Withdrawal"
  5. If Approved - the approve withdrawal process will now be complete and the learner's learning plan status will be set to "Withdrawal Approved"

Logged in as a user with the "general administrator" role

  1. Follow steps 1-3 above
  2. Review the withdrawal approval details previously submitted
  3. If rejecting the approval: tick "Reject Withdrawal" and provide a reason for the rejection
  4. If processing the request tick "Process Withdrawal"
  5. The withdrawal process will now be complete and the learner's learning plan status will be set to "Withdrawn"


Withdrawing a learner currently on a break in learning


  • The learner must have a learning plan status of "On Break"
    • If the learning plan status is "Break requested", "Break Approved", "Return requested" or "Return Approved" then the break/return process must be completed/rejected before a withdrawal request can be started.
  • To request a withdrawal the user must have the "trainer" or "operations manager" role
  • To approve/reject a withdrawal request the user must have the "operations manager" role
  • To process/reject an approved withdrawal the user must have the "General administrator" role
  • A minimum of 2 unique users are required to complete the process - It is possible a single user may have multiple roles assigned i.e. Operations manager & General administrator and will therefore be able to complete more than one process whilst logged in. 


  1. Select a learner from the learner list
  2. Navigate to Administration > Change of circumstances 
  3. Select the "Breaks" tab
  4. Select "Withdraw"
  5. Enter "Date of notification"
  6. Confirm that the withdrawal has been agreed by the learner
  7. Confirm that the withdrawal has been agreed by the employer
  8. Select a reason for withdrawal
  9. Add additional note commentary
  10. Upload file if required
  11. Select "Request Withdrawal"
  12. The request withdrawal process will now be complete and the learner's learning plan status will be set to "Withdrawal requested"

Logged in as a user with the "operations manager" role

  1. Follow steps 1-2 above
  2. Select the "Withdrawals" tab
  3. Review the withdrawal request details previously submitted
  4. If rejecting the request: tick "Reject Withdrawal" and provide a reason for the rejection
  5. If approving the request tick "Approve Withdrawal"
  6. If Approved - the approve withdrawal process will now be complete and the learner's learning plan status will be set to "Withdrawal Approved"

Logged in as a user with the "general administrator" role

  1. Follow steps 1-2 above
  2. Review the withdrawal approval details previously submitted
  3. If rejecting the approval: tick "Reject Withdrawal" and provide a reason for the rejection
  4. If processing the request tick "Process Withdrawal"
  5. The withdrawal process will now be complete and the learner's learning plan status will be set to "Withdrawn"