Bud Messaging - a Trainer's Guide


Bud Messaging gives trainers the ability to initiate conversations with Learners, optionally include the Employer Contact and converse between the participants within the platform. 



  • Users with the Trainer (assessor) role. 
  • Learners & Employers

Important Information

  • A trainer can see when the Learner or Employer have read their messages, but the Learner and Employer cannot see if the Trainer has read theirs. 
  • Messages that are deleted, will remain visible to the Messaging Administrator for safeguarding and transparency. 
  • The Message Administrator within your organisation, has visibility of all messages. 
  • If a Learner's trainer changes, the new trainer will replace the existing trainer in the conversation, so that they have visibility of the latest communications. 
  • If a Learner's Employer changes, the existing Employer conversation will be set to read only and the new Employer will not have access. A new conversation will need to be initiated. 
  • A Trainer can message any Learner that they are the Primary Trainer of. 
  • Operations Managers have visibility of their trainers Conversations and messages. They cannot interact with those conversations and send messages, but to support transparency and safeguarding they can view them. 

In our first iteration, we have not included alerts or notifications to notify you of new messages outside of the Messaging Hub. This will come soon, along with the ability to create and sent Broadcast messages. 


How to: Accessing The Messaging Hub

Accessing the Messaging Hub is easy for Trainers, simply click in to the 'Learners' navigation item, and then 'Message Hub'. 

In the hub, you will find all of the conversations you have open with your Learners and an option to create new conversations. 


How to: Initiate Conversations 

There are two ways a conversation can be started between Trainer and Learner. The first is whereby the Learner initiates it with their Primary Trainer, but only when it doesn't already exist. The second way is when the Primary Trainer initiates it from within the Hub. 

The following steps show how a Trainer can start the conversation:

1. Go to 'Messaging Hub'.

2. Click 'Create New Conversation'.


3. Locate the Learner you want to start a conversation with.

4. Select if you want to include the Employer. Note: if you do not include them at this point, they cannot be added into this conversation. However you can setup a new conversation with this Learner and include the Employer. 


The conversation is started and you can now send messages.  


How to: Sending Messages

Sending messages is really easy in the Messaging Hub. Simply type into the message box, and click send. You should see the message added to the conversation pane above. 


How to: View read receipts

Read receipts give the trainer the ability to see if there message has been read by the Trainer and Learner. 

On your conversation pane, once a message is sent, you will see the read receipt below the message. If this isn't present, the message has not yet been read. The screenshot below shows us the message on 25th November has been read by the Learner, but the message on 27th has not. 


How to: Delete messages

If you accidently send information in the wrong conversation, you can delete that message using the 'Delete' button:

Once deleted, it will show to everyone that the message has been deleted. 

Note: the Messaging Administrator within your organisation will be able to see the original content of the message. 


How to: Locate a Conversation

To find an existing conversation, you can use the search filter at the top of the Messaging Hub. This will search the names of the participants within the conversation. 


If an Employer is part of a conversation, you will see their name and icon within the list of conversations on the hub.