Management Report


The embedded Management Report provide an at-a-glance overview of key high level data to support overall business health and high level management for board reporting as well as more detailed visulisations to drive in-depth analysis, KPIs and trend data.

This report provides a wealth of data to help track applications, compliance, learner progress and business health efficiently.


User Role 

  • All users with a reporter - Ops Dashboard permission switched on

How to use Management Reports

The management reports are split into various sections to ensure navigation is simple and streamlined and work in a three tier manner:

  1. High-Level Business Insights: Summarised in a single page ideal for board reporting and evaluating overall business health.
  2. Detailed Visualisation pages: Delve into each section of the overview to explore KPIs, trend analysis, and data-driven storytelling for a deeper understanding. These detail pages offer current status, year-on-year analysis, processing times and various other metrics relevant to the area.
  3. Row-level Drill through: Accessed by right clicking on any visualisation with this icon . Drill-through to row-level learner data to access relevant, basic information about learners in that graph.

Below we'll provide a brief overview of each report and the metrics they contain to help you understand your data, or you can skip to the required section:


The overview page is your one-stop shop for the highest level of data giving you an insight into all areas of your delivery. This page is ideal for a quick glance health check of your business to help support general day to day management and board reporting. The page is split into each delivery area and view more links will take you to each detailed page offering you more insight as detailed in the below sections.

Metrics on this page are as follows:


  • Completed last month: Number of applications completed in the previous calendar month
  • Completed last quarter: Number of applications completed in the previous academic quarter defined as Q1 Aug-Oct, Q2 Nov-Jan, Q3 Feb-Apr, Q4 May-Jul
  • Completed last year: Number of applications completed in the previous Academic year
  • Average applications per month: Over a rolling 12-month period, the average number of applications completed in a month
  • Average conversion rate: Over a rolling 12-month period, the average rate at which an application converts to complete or completed edited
  • Current applications: A graphical view of all current applications and their current status


  • Learners due to start in month​: Total number of learners with Start dates in the current month
  • Started last month: Number of learners with Start dates in previous calendar month
  • Started last quarter: Number of learners with Start dates in the previous academic quarter defined as Q1 Aug-Oct, Q2 Nov-Jan, Q3 Feb-Apr, Q4 May-Jul
  • Started last year: Number of learners with Start dates in the previous academic year


  • Total​: Total number of learners currently in the following status: In Progress, Withdrawal Requested, Break Requested, Withdrawal Approved, Break Approved, On Break, In EPA, Break Return Requested
  • Current Learners: A graphical view of all current learners displayed by their current Learning Plan Status. Contains all learners in the following status: In Progress, Withdrawal Requested, Break Requested, Withdrawal Approved, Break Approved, On Break, In EPA, Break Return Requested
  • Learners within 30 days of gateway​: Total learners whereby their planned EPA gateway date is in the next 30 days
  • ALS Plans: Total learners with a currently active ALS Plan
  • ALS Claims: Total learners with a current ALS Funding claim in BUD (driven from the ALS section in BUD not ILR)
  • Break duration: Visualisation detailing the total number of learners on a break separating them by those who have been on a break up to 180 days, over 180 days and over 365 days
  • Past PEPP: Visualisation detailing the total number of learners past their planned end of practical period separating them by those that are Past PEPP up to 90 days, over 90 days and over 180 days
  • On track with learner hours: Percentage of learners who are currently on track with their learner hours
  • On track with their activity progress: Percentage of learners who are currently on track with their activity progress
  • Learners engaged in the last 4 weeks: Percentage of learners who have had some engagement in the last 4 weeks. Engagement is defined as a submission or message from the learner, submission by the trainer, approved off the job hours, or a completed review. Where submissions or reviews have yet to be made, time is measured from the start date.  The time since their last engagement is reset upon return from a break.
  • Progress Reviews completed in the last three months: Percentage of learners who have had a progress review in the last 3 months
FS By Level & Status: Breakdown of all Functional skills for in progress learners and their current status

Month-on-Month Learner Growth: This visualisation looks at the percentage change in Learner Numbers from the previous month modelled over the last 13 months.


  • Completed this month​: Number of completed learners with completion dates in the current calendar month
  • Completed last Month: Number of completed learners with completion dates in the previous calendar month
  • Completed last Quarter: Number of completed learners with completion dates in the previous academic quarter defined as Q1 Aug-Oct, Q2 Nov-Jan, Q3 Feb-Apr, Q4 May-Jul
  • Completed last Year​: Number of completed learners with completion dates in the previous Academic year
  • Average completions per month​: Over a rolling 12 month period, the average number of completions in a month
  • Completion EPA Grades: A visualisation detailing the breakdown of all EPA grades



  • Withdrew this month​: Number of withdrawn learners with end dates in the current calendar month
  • Withdrew last Month: Number of withdrawn learners with end dates in the previous calendar month
  • Withdrew last Quarter: Number of withdrawn learners with end dates in the previous academic quarter defined as Q1 Aug-Oct, Q2 Nov-Jan, Q3 Feb-Apr, Q4 May-Jul
  • Withdrew last Year​: Number of withdrawn learners with end dates in the previous Academic year
  • Average Withdrawals per month​: Over a rolling 12 month period, the average number of Withdrawals in a month

Trainer Headcounts​

  • Primary trainers with In Progress learners: Total number of Primary Trainers associated with a learner who is currently in progress
  • Active user accounts with the Trainer role: Total number of user accounts that have the Trainer role permission granted
  • Current average caseload: Average number of in progress learners associated with a trainer, this takes the above Primary trainers with In Progress learners number to work out the average caseload from all currently in progress learners
  • Trainers by programme sector: The total number of trainers you currently have delivering against each sector. The total number in this graph will not equal your total number of trainers if some trainers are cross-delivering over multiple sectors - they will be counted against both



Our detailed pages offer further insight into each area of delivery to enable you to explore KPIs, trend analysis, and data-driven storytelling for a deeper understanding.

Within these pages, right click on any visualisation with this icon to drill-through to row level learner data to access relevant, basic information about learners in that graph. All visualisations can also be explored in table view by right clicking and selecting "Show as table"

This section revolves around applications and contains the following metrics:

Year-on-year applications

This visualisation details all completed applications for up to 10 years enabling you to conduct trend analysis or spot key spikes or dips in applications. The graph is broken down into months following the academic year, August to July, with columns indicating the academic year to help pinpoint specific time based data insights.

Application Conversion Rates

This visualisation shows a breakdown of your conversion rate (that is the average rate at which an application converts to complete or completed edited) for each month in the last 13 months. It also allows you to see the state of those applications whether it be a learner who has started, an application that has simply not stated or an application that has been archived.

Processing times

This visualisation monitors how long it's taken for a learner to travel through each stage of the application process (over the last 13 months). A day is defined as a 24-hour period, Mondays to Fridays, excluding bank holidays.

Applications Due

The sign-up meetings in the next month visual details all learner applications with a sign-up meeting date in the next rolling 30 days to help you pinpoint potential administration surges or aid monthly forecasting. The Sign-up meetings outstanding further breaks this down to see additionally which applications are overdue and may need to be re-scheduled.

Application Pipeline this month

This graph enables you to see a breakdown of where your upcoming applications sit in regards to Operations Manager, Trainer, Employer, Sector, Programme or Lead Generator. It shows applications in progress, either with a scheduled sign-up meeting or start date this month or with a status of new or invited.



Our detailed pages offer further insight into each area of delivery to enable you to explore KPIs, trend analysis, and data-driven storytelling for a deeper understanding.

Within these pages, right click on any visualisation with this icon to drill-through to row level learner data to access relevant, basic information about learners in that graph. All visualisations can also be explored in table view by right clicking and selecting "Show as table"

This section revolves around learners starting their programme and contains the following metrics:

Starts in month

The Starts in Month chart shows those with a confirmed start date in the current month, by date; a Month-to-Date trend line, and an average MTD trend from the last three months. 

Rolling monthly starts

This visualisation looks at learners by start date over a rolling 13 month period. you can view this by Programme Type, Levy funded status and current learning plan status which may aid in determining how an over monthly cohort is currently progressing.

Aggregate view of key metrics

A table layout to see various metrics by either Trainer, Employer, Sector, Programme type, Programme Level, Programme or Lead Generator. It contains the following data points:

  • Number of learners Starting this month
  • Number of learners Started last month
  • Number of learners Started last 3 months
  • Number of learners Started last 12 months
  • Number of learners Started so far this Academic year
  • Number of learners Started last Academic year



Our detailed pages offer further insight into each area of delivery to enable you to explore KPIs, trend analysis, and data-driven storytelling for a deeper understanding.

Within these pages, right click on any visualisation with this icon to drill-through to row level learner data to access relevant, basic information about learners in that graph. All visualisations can also be explored in table view by right clicking and selecting "Show as table".

This section revolves around learners currently in progress and contains the following metrics:

Activity Progress

The Activity Progress visual classifies learners by the percentage of activities they’ve completed, versus the percentage of activities they’re expected to have completed by their current point in the programme.

Activity Progress is defined as the difference between the percentage of (non-exempted) activities completed, and the percentage of elapsed time to the Planned End of Practical Period (or Planned End Date if PEPP not available).  Any time spent on a break is excluded from the baseline upon return from the break. The underlying measure Activity Progress Delta is defined as:

Percentage of (non-exempt) activities completed - Percentage of time through their programme

By this measure, if a learner is at zero, then we can consider them to be on track.
On a scale of -100 to +100, the exact boundaries are defined as follows:

  • Above -10: On Track
  • Above -20 to -10: Off Track
  • Above -40 to -20: Cause for Concern
  • -40 or below: Urgent Attention

Learning Hours Progress

The Learning Hours Progress visual classifies learners by the percentage of OTJ hours they’ve completed, versus the percentage of OTJ they’re expected to have undertaken by their current point in the programme.

Learning Hours Progress is the difference between the percentage of planned learning hours completed, and the percentage of elapsed time to the Planned End of Practical Period (or Planned End Date).  Any time spent on a break is excluded from the baseline on return from said break.

Learning Hours Progress Delta is defined as:

Percentage of OTJ Hours completed - Percentage of time through their programme.

By this measure, if a learner is at zero, then we can consider them to be on track.
On a scale of -100 to +100, the exact boundaries are defined as follows:

  • Above -10: On Track
  • Above -20 to -10: Off Track
  • Above -40 to -20: Cause for Concern
  • -40 or below: Urgent Attention


This visualisation shows the total number of learners on programme categorised by how close they are to their Planned End of Practical Period (if available), else their Planned End Date.

Last Engagement

The Engagement visual classifies learners by the number of weeks since their last engagement.

Engagement is defined as a submission or message from the learner, submission by the trainer, approved off the job hours, or a completed review. Where submissions or reviews have yet to be made, time is measured from the start date.  The time since their last engagement is reset upon return from a break.

Timely Progress Reviews

This visualisation classifies learners by time elapsed since their last progress review and allows training providers to quickly identify those requiring a review.

If they have had a review in less than three months, they are classed as <3 months ago

If they have not had a review in the last 3 months, we categorise them into date ranges based on when their next review is scheduled, or Unscheduled where there are none

Monthly trends

This section containing four visualisations contains a snapshot of data from our benchmarking report silo-ed to your training provider only. Benchmarking data works by scraping metrics everyday and presenting an average of those metrics for that month over a 13 month period.

Engagement is defined as a submission or message from the learner, a submission by the trainer, in-month Off the Job hours being approved, or a progress review being completed.  Remember that a Progress Review must be signed by all participants to be called complete.

Activity Engagement is the percentage of learners who have engaged in an activity within their learning plan.  Activity Engagement is defined as submission by the learner or their trainer or an externally completed activity where the results are captured in Bud (e.g. a SCORM activity).

Logins are learner logins only.  It is the percentage of in progress learners who have logged in to Bud in that month.

Marking Time is the average time between a submission being made and being marked.  This includes activities marked as partially or fully complete.  Time in hours is counted Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, excluding English bank holidays.  It is the number of hour boundaries (o'clocks), between the Submission Date and Time and the Marking Date and Time. For example: Work submitted at 09.15 and marked at 09:45 = 0 hours, Work submitted 16:15 Tuesday and marked 09:00 Weds = 1 hour

Aggregate view of key metrics

A table layout to see various metrics by either Trainer, Employer, Sector or Programme. This table can be used to monitor potential developing issues against any of these areas. The metrics contained in here are as follows:

  • Number of Future Starts currently in the pipeline
  • Number of In Progress learners
  • Number of On Break learners
  • Number of Break Requested / Approved learners
  • Number of  Withdrawal Requested / Approved learners
  • Number of In EPA learners
  • % of learners whose Activity Progress is On Track
  • % of learners whose Learner Hours Progress is On Track
  • % of learners who are Past PEPP
  • % of learners whose Last Engagement was less than 4 Weeks ago
  • % of learners with Timely Progress Reviews



Our detailed pages offer further insight into each area of delivery to enable you to explore KPIs, trend analysis, and data-driven storytelling for a deeper understanding.

Within these pages, right click on any visualisation with this icon to drill-through to row level learner data to access relevant, basic information about learners in that graph. All visualisations can also be explored in table view by right clicking and selecting "Show as table".

This section revolves around completed learners and contains the following metrics:

Rolling Monthly Completions

These visualisations detail the number of completions with a completion date each month over a 13 month rolling period. there is also a visual breaking down timely completions whereby a learner is deemed timely if they have completed up to 1 month past their planned end date, or flagged as untimely broken down into 1-3 months late or over 3 months late.

Achievers this month

This graph has a breakdown of or completed learners, by Trainer, Employer, Sector, Programme Type and Programme.

Month-to-Date Achievers

A second chart shows in month-to-date achievers shows the date of achievement within the current month, together with the month-to-date trend of completions, overlaid with the average trend line over the previous three months.

Year-on-year Completions

This visualisation details all completed learners for up to 10 years enabling you to conduct trend analysis or spot key spikes or dips in completions. The graph is broken down into months following the academic year, August to July, with columns indicating the academic year to help pinpoint specific time based data insights.

EPA Processing Times

This visualisation monitors how long it's taken for a learner to travel through each stage of the gateway and EPA process (over the last 13 months). A day is defined as a 24-hour period, Mondays to Fridays, excluding bank holidays.

It tracks the below dates as entered in Bud, all of which must be populated for data to appear in this graph.

  • Last Day Of Learning
  • Trainer Confirmation
  • IQA Confirmation
  • Compliance Confirmation
  • Gateway Confirmation
  • Completion Date

EPA Duration

This graph contains a snapshot of data from our benchmarking report siloed to your training provider only. Benchmarking data works by scraping metrics everyday and presenting an average of those metrics for that month over a 13 month period.

The EPA Duration Metric is the average total number of days spent in End Point Assessment it does not distinguish working days as it is focused on actual duration between learning plan status changes as opposed to any dates manually entered in Bud. Days are also accumulated for every period of EPA entered into, and includes learners currently in EPA.

EPA Grades

This graph further breaks down EPA grades allowing you to see them by Trainers, Employers, Sector, Programme Type and Programme. It shows the grade breakdown for distinction, merit and pass achievements at EPA.



Our detailed pages offer further insight into each area of delivery to enable you to explore KPIs, trend analysis, and data-driven storytelling for a deeper understanding.

Within these pages, right click on any visualisation with this icon to drill-through to row level learner data to access relevant, basic information about learners in that graph. All visualisations can also be explored in table view by right clicking and selecting "Show as table".

This section revolves around withdrawn learners and contains the following metrics:

Rolling Monthly Processed withdrawals

These visualisations detail the number of withdrawals with a processed date each month over a 13 month rolling period. It can be viewed by Programme type, Levy funded status and Zero Day leaver breakdowns

Processing Times

This visualisation monitors how long it's taken for a learner to travel through each stage of the withdrawal process (over the last 13 months). A day is defined as a 24-hour period, Mondays to Fridays, excluding bank holidays.

Leavers this month

This graph shows shows the dates of actions that have occurred leading up to a withdrawal, together with a month-to-date trend of withdrawals actioned, overlaid with the average trend line over the previous three months.

Withdrawals this month

This graph has a breakdown of or completed learners, by Trainer, Employer, Sector, Programme Type, level and Programme

Year-on-year Withdrawals

This visualisation details all withdrawn learners for up to 10 years enabling you to conduct trend analysis or spot key spikes in withdrawals. The graph is broken down into months following the academic year, August to July, with columns indicating the academic year to help pinpoint specific time based data insights.

Monthly trends

This section containing three visualisations contains a snapshot of data from our benchmarking report silo-ed to your training provider only. Benchmarking data works by scraping metrics everyday and presenting an average of those metrics for that month over a 13 month period.

Withdrawals are the percentage of learners who withdrew during the month selected.  This excludes learners who withdraw in the qualifying period (zero-day leavers).  The Withdrawal date used is the Withdrawal Processed date, as this is immutable in case of late notification of a withdrawal.

Time of Withdrawals is the average percentage of time through a programme when learners withdrew, for those who withdrew in the month concerned.  Again, the withdrawal date used is the Withdrawal Processed date, as above.

Zero-Day Leavers is the percentage of leavers who withdrew within the qualifying period, in the month selected.  The withdrawal date used is the Withdrawal Processed date as above, however, to determine whether they were a zero-day leaver we calculate the days between their Start Date and their Last Activity Date. If this is 42 days or less then they are classed as a zero-day leaver.



Accessible via the report footer we have also collated some key Ofsted metrics for you, although these can also be used in any aspect of your delivery management. Within this section you can find:

Delivery locations

A map visualisation showing delivery locations for each current in progress learner, the size of the bubble indicates the number of learners. This map is also accompanied by a tabluar view of delivery location allowing you to see a breakdown of learner numbers by region, postcode district and postcode.

Aggregate view by Age Group

A common requirement from Ofsted, this tabular view details a learner number breakdown by Age Group for the following dimensions; Employer, Sector, Programme type, Level and Programme.

Number of Employers with in-flight learners details the current number of distinct employer placements with learners that are in-progress.

Number of programmes with in-flight learners details the current number of distinct programmes with learners that are in-progress.

Number of learners with currently active ALS Plans details total learners with a currently active ALS Plan.



Accessible via the report footer To identify any concerns the learner has in relation to their welfare.

The report will pull in any progress review for a learner where one of the 3 standard safeguarding questions has been answered with their respective negative.

Note that the answers will only appear in the respective columns where your training provider has used Bud’s standard questions in the safeguarding section of the progress review.  No attempt has been made to map custom questions to the standard, as the semantics may differ significantly.


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