

As a learner, it is possible to have visibility of all of your Review history, view and contribute your thoughts to upcoming Reviews and also sign off any 'in progress' reviews, via your learning portal.

There are several 'types' of Reviews available to your trainer in Bud. Each type will have a different purpose and questions. 


  • Learners

How to: Navigating to your Progress Reviews 

The video below shows how to access the relevant area within Bud to view progress reviews. For those of you who would prefer to read through the process, the steps are also written out below the video along with further information: 


  1. Login to Bud, and click into your Learning Plan
  2. In the top menu, select 'Reviews & Documents' 
  3. Then select 'Reviews' 


The Review Page explained

Within the "Review" tab, you can see two tables, one showing 'Scheduled' Review and the other showing the history of Reviews.

Scheduled Reviews

This table will show you all of the scheduled Reviews, including the participants invited, the type of Review, location and times. 

You are able to contribute to Reviews that are scheduled within the next 14 days in this section. 


History of Reviews

The history of Reviews shows you all of the Reviews that are not scheduled. 



Awaiting Signatures - these Reviews still need a participants signature. Once everyone has signed it will be a 'Completed' Review. 

Cancelled - these Reviews have been cancelled by the Training Provider. If you didn't expect a Review to be cancelled please contact your trainer. 

Completed - these Reviews are done, and no further input is required.  

In Progress - these are still in progress with your Training Provider. You can still contribute your comments to these Reviews.   


How to: Contribute to a Review

As a Learner, you are able to input your comments to the Reviews, 14 days before the Review starts or whilst it is in progress.


  1. Open the Reviews page.
  2. Locate the Review you wish to contribute to. 
  3. Click the 'Contribute' button. 
  4. Add your comments onto the Learner tab. 
  5. You can also view other comments provided by your Trainer or Employer.
  6. Remember to click save!  


How to: Sign a Review

Once your Trainer has 'finished' the Review in Bud, the participants are required to sign it. The video and steps below show you how to do this.

  1. Open the Reviews page.
  2. Locate the Review that requires signing.
  3. Click the 'Add Signature' button. 
  4. Once the page loads, click 'Add digital signature now'.
  5. Scribe your signature in the box provided. 
  6. Click 'Apply signature' 


Please note, that the review will stay at a status of 'Awaiting Signatures' until all parties have added their signatures. Once this is done, it will show up in your list as a 'Completed' review.

Bud Recommends 

Progress reviews currently cannot be downloaded. Bud recommends taking a screenshot if a record is required. 

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