The embedded Operations Dashboard provide an at-a-glance overview of programme performance. This dashboard provides a wealth of reporting data to help track applications, compliance, and learner progress efficiently. Key sections include Starts in Month, Leavers in Month, Achievers in Month, Trainer Caseload, Engagement, and Last Progress Date and the dashboard includes various slicers for customized views and detailed insights.
User Role
- All users with a reporter - Ops Dashboard permission switched on
How to: Understand Reports in the Operations Dashboard
Here we'll provide a brief overview of each reports to help you understand your data, or you can skip to the required section:
Additional Learning Support (ALS)
Starts in Month
The Starts in Month report has a pipeline chart showing applications in progress, either with a scheduled sign-up meeting or start date this month or with a status of new or invited. A second Starts in Month chart shows those with a confirmed start date in the current month, by date; a Month-to-Date trend line, and an average MTD trend from the last three months.
There is also a headline showing the total number of scheduled, invited and new applications this month.
Leavers in Month
The Leavers in Month report has a breakdown of non-achievers, or withdrawn learners by Operations Manager and Trainer, with the status of their withdrawal highlighted.
A second leavers in month chart shows the dates of actions that have occurred leading up to a withdrawal, together with a month-to-date trend of withdrawals actioned, and an average trend line of withdrawals through a typical month.
The categories identify where an action is required to complete the withdrawal process.
Achievers in Month
The Achievers in Month report has a breakdown of achievers, or completed learners, by Operations Manager and Trainer.
A second Achievers in Month chart shows the date of achievement within the current month, together with the month-to-date trend of completions, overlaid with the average trend line over the previous three months.
Trainer Caseload
The Trainer Caseload in Month report shows the number of learners in each trainer's caseload. These are categorised on how close they are to their Planned End of Practical Period (if available), else their Planned End Date.
A further pie chart shows the same information in summary.
The Engagement report classifies learners by the number of weeks since their last engagement, and this is charted by trainer, as well as an overall pie chart.
Engagement is defined as a submission or message from the learner, submission by the trainer, approved off the job hours, or a completed progress review. Where submissions or reviews have yet to be made, time is measured from the start date. The time since their last engagement is reset upon return from a break.
A further pie chart shows the same information in summary.
Last Progress Date
Similar to the Engagement report, the Last Progress Date report classifies learners by the number of weeks since they last made some progress through their programme. This is charted against each trainer, as well as an overall pie chart.
Progress is deemed to have been made when a submission has been made either by the learner or by the trainer. Where submissions have yet to be made, the time is from the start date and time is reset on return from a break.
A secondary pie chart shows the same information in summary.
Activity Progress
The Activity Progress report classifies learners by the percentage of activities they’ve completed, versus the percentage of activities they’re expected to have completed by their current point in the programme.
Activity Progress is defined as the difference between the percentage of set (non-exempted) activities completed, and the percentage of elapsed time to the Planned End of Practical Period (or Planned End Date if PEPP not available). Any time spent on a break is excluded from the baseline upon return from the break. The underlying measure Activity Progress Delta is defined as:
Percentage of set (non-exempt) activities completed - Percentage of time through their programme
By this measure, if a learner is at zero, then we can consider them to be on track.
On a scale of -100 to +100, the exact boundaries are defined as follows:
- Above -10: On Track
- Above -20 to -10: Off Track
- Above -40 to -20: Cause for Concern
- -40 or below: Urgent Attention
A secondary pie chart shows the same information in summary.
Learning Hours Progress
The Learning Hours Progress report classifies learners by the percentage of OTJ hours they’ve completed, versus the percentage of OTJ they’re expected to have undertaken by their current point in the programme.
Learning Hours Progress is the difference between the percentage of planned learning hours completed, and the percentage of elapsed time to the Planned End of Practical Period (or Planned End Date). Any time spent on a break is excluded from the baseline on return from said break.
Learning Hours Progress Delta is defined as:
Percentage of OTJ Hours completed - Percentage of time through their programme.
By this measure, if a learner is at zero, then we can consider them to be on track.
On a scale of -100 to +100, the exact boundaries are defined as follows:
- Above -10: On Track
- Above -20 to -10: Off Track
- Above -40 to -20: Cause for Concern
- -40 or below: Urgent Attention
A secondary pie chart shows the same information in summary.
Progress Reviews
The Progress Reviews report classifies learners by time elapsed since their last progress review and allows training providers to quickly identify those requiring a review.
If they have not had a review in more than three months, they are deemed overdue and highlighted in red. If they’re overdue but have an upcoming review scheduled, they are coloured orange or yellow depending on the time to go. The time since the last review is reset on return from a break.
A secondary pie chart shows the same information in summary.
Breaks in Learning
The Breaks in Learning report shows learners who are on a break and identifies those who are overdue their return date.
Learners currently on a break are broken down by trainer, and classified according to whether they’re in date, past their Expected Return Date (ERD), or have been on break for over a year. Being on break for over a year takes precedence over being past their ERD in cases where a learner falls into both categories.
An additional pie chart further summarises this information.
Additional Learning Support (ALS)
The ALS report shows learners who require Additional Learning Support and the time since they last received such support.
Weeks Since Last ALS is defined as the number of weeks since ALS was last delivered to the learner. If ALS has yet to be given, time is from the start date, and is furthermore reset on return from a break.
A bar chart categorises the measure into < 4 weeks, 6-8 weeks, 8-12 weeks and 12+weeks since the last ALS was given. A further pie chart summarises this information.
RAG Rating
This report will give an overview of the latest rag rating per learner and the comment associated.