Add new off the job hours on behalf of a learner


Trainers can efficiently manage off-the-job (OTJ) hours by adding entries on behalf of learners in Bud. This guide explains how to log OTJ hours, including specifying the date, start, and end times. It ensures accurate tracking of training hours, which must be within the apprenticeship period and not overlap with existing entries. 

How to: Add OTJ

Trainers can add OTJH entries to the log on behalf of learners. The date that the hours were carried out must be entered, along with the start and end time. For now, the total hours must be in whole hours.

The date entered must be after the start date of the apprenticeship, and cannot be in the future at the time of entry.


When trainers add hours, they must record whether these should be counted as OTJH. If these are marked as counting as OJTH, a confirmation statement is displayed, and by choosing to “add” these hours, the trainer confirms that they meet the requirements. If “no” is selected, trainers are asked to choose one of four reasons in a drop down menu, to explain why these hours are not valid OTJH.

Overlapping timeslots cannot be entered in the log. Hours must be between unique times which are not already included in the log for this activity. The Learner must also not be in a status of Completed, Withdrawn, in End-Point Assessment or on a break.

Watch the video below to find out more

*Please be aware that the video may not reflect the platform's current features due to Bud's ongoing progression.


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