Learners Off The Job Hours Log (OTJH)


As part of your apprenticeship, the agreement is to complete off the job hours (OTJH) training. Both you and your trainer are able to record off the job hours as you progress through an activity. You can also add hours when you make your final submission for an activity.

This video provides an overview of how to add off the job hours against your activity in your programme.

How to: Add OTJH Entries

You can add your OTJH entries to the log, using the “add OTJH” button. The date that the hours were carried out must be entered, along with the start and end time. The total hours must be a whole hour. You can also add some comments detailing how you obtained those hours. 



The date entered must be after the start date of the apprenticeship, and cannot be in the future at the time of entry.

When hours are entered, they go into the log with a “pending” status. Your trainer can then confirm that these hours should be counted as OTJH, or marked as not counting as OTJH. The hours with a “pending” status are shown at the top of the activity, alongside planned hours and confirmed actual OTJH.

You can edit or delete pending entries. You can also edit or delete entries marked as not counting as OTJH, should you want to change these entries so that they can be accepted as OTJH. Entries you edit will return to "pending" status. 


Overlapping timeslots cannot be entered in the log. Hours must be between unique times that are not already included in the log for this activity.


Once an Activity has been completed, OTJ Hours added into the log can be amended. This allows you to ensure hours are accurately reflected on each activity.

Completed Activities can only be edited if the Learner Status is not withdrawn, complete, in EPA or on a break.