Learners - Add off the job hours at point of Submission


When you make a submission on an activity, you will also see an 'Add off the Job Hours' area, where you can add further hours and view any hours already submitted against an activity

As part of your apprenticeship, the agreement is to complete off the job hours (OTJH) training. As well as adding individual log entries as you progress through your activity, you can also suggest bulk hours to add to an activity at the point of submission.

How to: Add a Bulk Hours Suggestion

The video below shows how to access the relevant area within Bud to add OTJH to a submission. For those of you who would prefer to read through the process, the steps are also written out below the video along with further information:


When you make a submission, you will also see an 'Add off the Job Hours' area, where you can add further hours and view any hours already submitted against an activity: 


This area will show you:

  • Planned hours: How many hours are planned for the activity.
  • Actual hours: How many hours have already been added, and approved by your trainer.
  • Pending hours: How many hours have been added to your OTJH log on this activity, but have not yet been approved.

You can then add any further additional hours when you make your final submision. These will be stored in the OTJH log as a pending entry, but this will not save the times and dates of hours. Instead, it will show the submission date and submission number: 


Your trainer will see this suggestion of bulk hours when they mark your activity submission, and they can amend or approve these hours.



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