Bud Messaging gives you the ability to communicate with your Learner and their trainers within Bud. Making communication and sharing information easy and traceable.
Important Information
- Messages that are deleted, will remain visible to the Messaging Administrator for safeguarding and transparency.
- The Message Administrator within the Training Providers organisation, has visibility of all messages.
- If a Learner's trainer changes, the new trainer will replace the existing trainer in that conversation, so that they have visibility of the latest communications.
- If a Learner's Employer changes, the existing Employer conversation will be set to read only and the new Employer will not have access. A new conversation will need to be initiated.
In our first iteration, we have not included alerts or notifications to notify you of new messages outside of the Messaging Hub. This feature is coming soon.
How to: accessing the hub
The Hub is accessed from within your primary navigation:
How to: locate a conversation
The search feature on the hub allows you to search by the participants of a conversation, so you can search by the learner or the trainer names.
How to: send a message
To send a message, open the conversation, type your message into the message box and click the 'Send message' button: