SCORM in Bud - Adding SCORM to an Activity


When creating an activity within an apprenticeship standard/framework programme it is possible to upload SCORM packages to provide a more engaging learner experience. The following feature switch must be enabled for this feature: 

  • SCORM 

Please speak to your account manager to discuss enabling this

User Roles  

This task can be completed by the following user roles: 

  • Programme Contributor 
  • Programme Manager  

How to: Adding a SCORM package

Once you navigated to the relevant programme you can upload SCORM content as shown below: 


Please note when adding SCORM: 

  • Bud can accept any version of SCORM (1.2, 2004 etc).
  • You can only add one SCORM package per activity
  • If you have added a SCORM package the detailed learner instructions are not required
  • It is not possible to clone SCORM content, you will need to re-upload to your cloned programme

Auto complete activities 

Once you have uploaded your SCORM package, you will be given the option to have the activity automatically complete when the learner has completed the SCORM package. You have three options:

  • Complete the activity once the SCORM package is completed. In this instance, as soon as the learner has completed the SCORM package the activity will be marked as complete. If there is a quiz in the SCORM package then the learner does not have to pass the quiz to complete the activity. 
  • Complete the activity when the SCORM package is completed and a quiz has been passed. Use this option if your SCORM package contains a quiz which you want the learner to successfully complete before the activity is completed. 
  • Do not auto-complete the activity. A submission will need to be added/marked before the activity can be completed, regardless of what the learner does on the SCORM package. 

Once you have made a choice we will check that it is a valid SCORM package. Whilst this is happening you'll see a message telling you that the contents are being validated, however, you can continue to complete the activity, save it, and add more activities. You'll see a message telling you when the SCORM content has passed validation. 

For further information on behaviour and tracking rules when using SCORM click here. 

Using 3rd Party SCORM Package

If you have purchased any third-party SCORM packages which may be licensed then you can add these to Bud in the way described above. When the SCORM content is launched by a learner we will check the license and then launch the content, if allowed. 

Publishing Programmes

You won't be able to publish your programme until all SCORM packages have been validated. If any packages are still being validated, or have failed validation a warning triangle is displayed next to the activity. We generally expect any SCORM packages to be validated within 15 minutes of being added to Bud, although for larger SCORM packages this can take longer. If any SCORM packages are invalid then you can replace or remove them.

Once we've checked that all of the SCORM packages are valid you'll then be able to publish the programme as you would normally. Activities with SCORM packages will look very familiar to a trainer or learner, which is explained in this article