This article guides you through how SCORM activities are presented within the learning plan for OST learners and what trainers can see. It explains how learners can access SCORM content, launch learning resources, and the progress metrics that are visible to both learner and trainer - providing a more engaging learning experience.
User Roles
- Programme Contributor
- Programme Manager
How to: SCORM in the Learning Plan
If a learner or trainer accesses an activity containing a SCORM package then they will see an additional button to launch the 'Learning Resource':
When this button is selected the content will launch in a separate browser tab, depending on how the content is configured, this may play in full screen. From this point, a learner's usage will be tracked, which will be displayed in the submissions & messages tab.
What will Bud track
- We will indicate each time the learner launches the content, how long they accessed it for, and when it was closed.
- If a learner does not complete the content in one session they will be taken to this point when it is next launched.
- For any quizzes in the content, the results will be displayed in the submissions & messages tab.
Any training provider users who have access to activities (trainers, ops managers, IQA etc) will have a very similar view. They will be able to launch the content in the same way, by selecting 'Launch Learning Resource'. However, no tracking information will be recorded, so this won't be shown in the submissions & messages tab.