Priority Definitions and Response Times


This article outlines the priority definitions and response times for support issues on the Bud platform. It explains the different priority levels, from critical issues (P1) to minor inquiries (P4), and the corresponding target response and resolution times. By understanding these priorities, users can better manage their expectations and know how quickly they can expect assistance. 


Priority Definition Target Response Time Target Resolution* Time Example/s

No access to Hosted Services or Software, or major loss of functionality for a critical path feature such as Application, Learning Delivery or ILR for all users. Resulting in a complete business stoppage with no workaround available. Causes critical business impact.

0.5 business hour 1 business day
  • All users cannot login
  • ILR cannot be generated within 3 days of ILR return window
  • All users cannot enroll learners

Tenant wide outage of a feature or severe reduction in usability for most users, resulting in significant inefficiencies in the business.

Causes high business impact.

1 business hour 3 business days
  • Notes not saving for most users
  • ILR schema issue outside the return window
P3 Non-critical issue or an issue with a workaround 4 business hours

As agreed on a case-by-case basis, to resolve within a scheduled product release where a software fix is required  

  • Single or few users impacted
  • Low/no financial impact
  • Browser workaround
P4 Cosmetic problems, general enquiries, or requests for information. 1 business day

As agreed on a case-by-case basis, to resolve within a scheduled product release where a software fix is required  

  • How to questions
  • Product feature requests

*Target Resolution Time – a resolution could be in the form of a product update or a workaround which reduces or eliminates the impact to a P3.