How to Manually Migrate Learners


The purpose of this article is to outline the steps to manually migrate learners into Bud. You’ll learn how to create initial records, complete eligibility checks, and build comprehensive training plans. This process ensures that all learner data is accurately transferred and aligned with their original enrolment details. 


User Roles

  • Trainer 
  • Operations Manager
  • General Administrator 

How to: Complete a Manual Migration 

The steps to completing a manual migration are similar to those in the creating new applicants process. Links to relevant articles are provided below along with the key actions you must do as part of a manual migration:  

1. Create the initial record and complete the eligibility section

  • Please note when completing this step you must:  
    • Select the New Apprenticeship option.  
    • Select NO when asked to invite the applicant to complete some of their details. 
    • When no is selected you will be taken through to the check eligibility section. In the programme details tab select a programme that DOES NOT include BKSB initial assessments. 
    • Set the sign-up date as the date the enrolment will be completed in Bud. This date does need to be backdated to the learner's original sign-up date. The reported date is the start date (see below), not the sign-up date.  

2. Complete the additional details section 

3. Build the training plan - Set learning plan exemptions 

4. Build the training plan - Set programme start date 

  • Please note when completing this step set the programme start date as the date the first piece of learning was completed. This date needs to reflect the original date the learner started their learning, not the date they will start their learning in Bud. 

5. Build the training plan - Skills scan 

  • Please note this should be representative of where the learner was during their initial enrolment not where they are when being added to Bud. 

6. Build the training plan - RPL discussion 

  • Please note this should be representative of the RPL discussion at initial enrolment not where they are when being added to Bud

7. Build the training plan - Programme activities 

  • Please note Bud recommends not exempting activities at this point and adjusting activities within the learning plan. For more information on how to do this click here. 

8. Build the training plan - Additional learning support 

9. Build the training plan - Privacy 

10. Complete the apprenticeship agreement and training plan 

  • We recommend you select to sign offline if you already have signatures, and the information inputted into Bud is consistent with the original enrolment.