Bud’s Financial Forecasting report helps organizations project future funding based on expected monthly starts and applicants in the pipeline. By analyzing data from the last two academic years, this tool provides insights into average funding per month and allows users to model financial outcomes for specific sectors or programs.
User Role
- All users with a reporter - Finance Reports permission switched on
How to: Starts Projection
This graph summarises the total value of your apps indicative reports for 2 consecutive academic years in green. It the offers you the ability to project the financial value for a set number of new starts on-boarding per month. Use the slider to input your estimated monthly starts to see the projection in grey update.
Business Rules
The calculation we use to model your projected starts is taken from the last 2 academic years of your data and works out the following;
How to: Applicants in your Pipeline
Within this page we also model the projected financial forecast of the Applicants in your pipeline. This graph summarises the total value of your apps indicative reports for 2 consecutive academic years in green and overlays the projected financial value for all applicants in a scheduled status calculated using your data in the Bud.
Note: To ensure we have as much tangible data as possible, we can only model those in a Scheduled status, those who have a learning plan / ILR created (ie those in committed status onwards) are shown in your apps indicative calculation.
Business Rules
In order to model your applicants against your apps indicative report we have made the following assumptions about each scheduled applicants in your data;
Using data from your programme build, we look at the programme a scheduled learner is attached to and pull in the "Standard Duration In Months For Thirty Hour Week"
Start Date
Where a start date is present in the application, we use this value. Where is has not yet been populated we use the sign up meeting date as the closest corresponding value.
Note: This assumption means that if you are front loading starts with a large gap between their sign up date and start date, if the start date has not been input, these values will be skewed based on when payments start.