Break returns - Requesting and processing return from BIL


In this article we will explain how you can return a learner from a Break in Learning (BIL) in Bud. We have a two-step return process that requires one user to request a return and another to process the return.

In this article, you will find information on:

The video below shows how to access the relevant area within Bud to return a learner from a break:


User Roles

Depending on your role, you can request, reject, or process a return from a Break in Learning.

Scenario Role Required
Request a return to learning from a BIL for a learner


Operations Manager

Reject a request a return to learning from a BIL for a learner General Administrator
Process a request a return to learning from a BIL for a learner General Administrator


Request a Return from Break in Learning

When a learner is on a break you may want to return them to learning. To request a return from Break in Learning, follow these steps:

1. Find the Learner

Navigate to the learner's record in Bud, ensuring that their status reflects they are on a break in learning. You can verify this in their learning plan status and break history.

2. Initiate the Return Request

Open the learner's Break in Learning tab

Click on "Return to Learning" in the learner’s current break in learning record.

3. Enter the Return Details

Date of Return: Enter the date the learner will return to their learning.

Supporting comments: Provide comments to support the learner’s return to learning request. 

4. Submit the Return Request

Once the details are completed, submit the request by clicking on "Request Return". The learner’s status will now be updated to 'Return Requested.'


Process a Return from a Break in Learning

Another user will need to process the return from a Break in Learning. That can be done by following the steps below:

1. Process by an authorized User

Only users with the general administrator role can process the return.

If you are logged in as a tutor, you must  request that a user with the general administrator role log-ins to process the request. You need two unique users to complete the return process.

2. Locate a learner with a Return Request

You can filter the learner list to show learners who have requested a return to learning, similar to how you can filter for learners on a break.

4. Process or Reject the Return Request 

   To Process: Click "Process Return to Learning" to approve the return. 

   To Reject: Click "Reject Return to Learning" and provide a reason for the rejection.

5. Completion 

   Click on "Submit". Once processed, the learner’s learning plan status will be updated to 'In Progress.'

The break history will be updated with the return date, and the status will reflect the completion of the approval process.


Please note:

  • Learning plan access restriction: While the learner is in the 'Return Requested' state, you can access and update their learning plan. This allows you to start preparing activities and re-planning their learning before the return is officially processed.
  • ILR Update: Once the return is processed, the ILR will automatically update to show the learner is officially back in funded learning.
  • Learning Plan: Whilst this will update the programme end date in the ILR and the learning plan, it will not change the due dates on any activities that may have been set. These will need to be manually updated. 

To view the calculations used when returning a learner from a break please view the following article: Learning Planned End Date Calculations on return to learning


Bud Recommends

On retuning from a break in learning the provider must revise the training plan to take account of the duration of the break and to make it clear that there have been multiple episodes of learning. 

You can edit an application after a learner has returned from a break, when you view the Apprenticeship Agreement and Training Plan (formerly Commitment Statement) Bud will show details of the break. This includes the break start date and the date the learner returned to learning, together with the duration.

This means users with relevant permissions can edit and resign the Apprenticeship Agreement and Training Plan after a learner returns from a Break in Learning. This removes the requirement to capture additional documentation and upload it into Bud, saving time and effort, and improving compliance. It also helps ensure you capture the most up to date version of such documents.
If a learner has been mistakenly returned to learning and you need to place them back on break, we would advise matching the Date of Last Learning on the new BIL form, with the Date of Return from their previous BIL. This is to avoid the overlapping duration of both the breaks being added together twice when the new end date is calculated.