Withdrawing a Learner from Programme


Within Bud, it is possible to withdraw a Learner from their apprenticeship. We utilise a three step process, like the break in learning process, to ensure that the withdrawal is appropriately checked. It is important to make sure everything is correct, as once a learner is withdrawn from an apprenticeship it won't be possible to put them back onto the apprenticeship without completing a new application:


Prefer to watch a video? Click here to watch a webinar on breaks in learning and withdrawal process as our Client Education series. 

User Roles

Please note that in order to withdraw a learner, you will need to have the correct permissions. Below are the permissions needed at each stage of the process, so if you can't see the option to perform the functionality detailed below, you won't have permission. 

Request a withdrawal

  • Trainer
  • Operations Manager

Approve a withdrawal 

  • Operations Manager

Process a withdrawal 

  • General Administrator

In order to withdraw a learner there are a number of steps to work through:

How to: Withdrawing a Learner from Programme 

1. Request Withdrawal

  • Navigate to the 'Overview' page within a learner’s learning plan.
  • From the ‘What would you like to do?’ drop-down, select 'Withdraw from Learning' which will display the withdrawal form.

The video below shows how to access the relevant area within Bud to withdraw a learner: 

All information is required, apart from a file upload, and there is validation on some of the fields – for example, you won't be able to set a date for the last activity that's in the future. If you have any supporting files you can upload them at this point. 

We capture 4 fields:

    • Date of notification
    • Date of withdrawal
    • Date of last activity (defined by provider)
    • Reason for withdrawal

Please note: It is possible to enter a withdrawal date that is equal to the learner's last date of learning (aka "date of last activity"). Previously it was only possible to go back to the date of the break, plus 1 day in the Learner Overview workflow.

Once you've filled out the withdrawal form you can request the withdrawal. If any information is missing or invalid Bud will highlight this before you can request the withdrawal.

2. Approve or Reject the Withdrawal

Once the withdrawal has been requested, the status of the learner will be updated to 'Withdrawal Requested'. This doesn't have any impact on what the learner or trainer will see, it's just a handy way to highlight it for a user. You can also filter learners by ‘Withdrawal Requested’ status in the Learners tab in order to view any learners who you have requested this for.

Once requested the withdrawal will have to be approved or rejected by a second user. Note the user that requested the withdrawal cannot do this. In order to approve the withdrawal:

  • Access the learner and expand the withdrawal record within the ‘Overview’.
  • At the bottom of the record, you will see the Approve and Reject buttons. Select the option and then confirm your choice. 
  • If you reject a withdrawal, the learner will be updated back to a status of 'In Progress' and can continue learning. A new withdrawal will need to be requested should the learner need to be withdrawn in the future.
  • If you approve a withdrawal, the learner will be updated to a status of 'Withdrawal Approved', which will allow a user to process the withdrawal.
  • Whichever option is taken a note will automatically be added detailing who approved/rejected the withdrawal and when.

Note at this stage it is possible to edit the withdrawal, details of which are below (Step 4)

3. Process Withdrawal  

Once the withdrawal has been approved a user will need to process it. It is at this point that the ILR record will be updated, showing that the learner has withdrawn from the apprenticeship - stopping your funding for this learner. Please note, the information in the ‘Date of last activity’ field is automated into the ILR as the last date and this remains fixed unless it is manually overridden by an ILR administrator.

The learner will be marked as withdrawn and the learning plan will become read only. This means that whilst users will still be able to view the record they won't be able to do anything to it, such as completing or setting activities. 

In order to process the withdrawal: 

  • Access the learner and expand the withdrawal record.
  • At the bottom of the record you will see the process buttons. Select the option and then confirm you are happy to process the withdrawal.

Once processed the withdrawal is complete. Please note this cannot be reversed. If you incorrectly withdraw a learner from an apprenticeship you will have to complete a new application form, generate a new learning plan etc. 

4. Edit a Withdrawal

You can edit a withdrawal up until the point it has been processed:

  • View the learner and expand the withdrawal record
  • Select the 'Edit' button at the bottom of the page to open up the withdrawal record
  • Edit any of the details, upload new files and delete existing ones. You will have to enter notes when editing the record.
  • Once any edits have been made you can save the changes and continue processing the withdrawal record as per above. 


Withdrawal Reasons

The full list of reasons can be seen below, along with how they map into the ILR specified reasons. 


Displayed Option Name ILR Code
Deceased 97 = Other
Delivery - Delivery staff capability 97 = Other
Delivery - Lack of support from coach/trainer 97 = Other
Delivery - Poor teaching and learning materials and resources 97 = Other
Delivery - Staff changes 97 = Other
Employer unwilling to fund training 97 = Other
Exclusion 46 = Exclusion
External - Political reasons i.e Ukrainian war/Brexit 97 = Other
Financial reasons 43 = Financial reasons
Health - Caring responsibilities 44 = Other personal reasons
Health - Long term sickness  3 = Learner injury / illness
Health - Maternity/Paternity leave 44 = Other personal reasons
Health - Personal reasons non health/work related  44 = Other personal reasons
Health - Personal wellbeing/mental health  3 = Learner injury / illness
Industry placement learner has withdrawn due to circumstances outside the providers' control 48 = Industry placement learner has withdrawn due to circumstances outside the providers\' control
Injury / illness 3 = Learner injury / illness
Job Role Changed 97 = Other
Learner - Lack of learner commitment 97 = Other
Learner - Leaving country 97 = Other
Learner - Left with qualification, not finishing apprenticeship 97 = Other
Learner - Unable to complete functional skills 97 = Other
Learner - Unable to pass exams or EPA 97 = Other
Learner Changed Career 97 = Other
Learner has transferred to another provider due to merger 47 = Learner has transferred to another provider due to merger
Learner left employer 97 = Other
Learner moved away 97 = Other
Learner unwilling to continue 97 = Other
OLASS withdrawal 28 = OLASS learner withdrawn due to circumstances outside the providers\' control (Valid to 31/07/23)
Other 97 = Other
Other personal reasons 44 = Other personal reasons
Reason not known 98 = Reason not known
Redundancy 29 = Learner has been made redundant
Training Provider - enrolled on wrong programme 97 = Other
Training Provider - Job role not suitable for standard 97 = Other
Training Provider - Poor onboarding/SOL experience 97 = Other
Training Provider - Transferred to a new learning aim with the same provider 40 = Learner has transferred to a new learning aim with the same provider
Transfer to another provider 2 = Learner has transferred to another provider
Transferred between providers due to intervention by or with the written agreement of the ESFA 7 = Learner has transferred between providers due to intervention by or with the written agreement of the ESFA
Transferred to a new learning aim with the same provider 40 = Learner has transferred to a new learning aim with the same provider
Transferred to another provider to undertake specific government strategy 41 = Learner has transferred to another provider to undertake learning that meets a specific government strategy
Work - Change in role, no longer fits standard 97 = Other
Work - Dismissed from Employer 97 = Other
Work - Employer not giving OTJ time and not engaging with programme 97 = Other
Work - Financial reasons 43 = Financial reasons
Work - Left Employer change in sector 97 = Other
Work - Left Employer staying in sector 97 = Other
Work - Promotion new role no longer fits the standard 97 = Other
Work - Redundancy 29 = Learner has been made redundant