Data Warehouse - How to use the Data Warehouse Dictionary


Within the Bud Reports in the Data Warehouse, you will find a Data Dictionary. This tool is a great way to find data points in the data warehouse

User Roles

  • Nominated Training Provider Contacts with access to the Data Warehouse

How to: Use the Data Warehouse Dictionary

  • Enter the keyword you wish to search in either the tables or fields search bar.
  • Click 'Enter' 
  • Bud will return any results that match your keyword. 


Bud Recommends

  • Be sure to delete your keyword from search bars as Microsoft Power BI can continue to apply it. For example, if you search for a keyword in tables, be sure to delete it before searching for a keyword in fields
  • The search function will look across all columns including the description, so you do not need a full match for the field name. We advise that you use this when creating/amending reports.


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