Employer Reports - How to Use


Employer Reports have been created to help them engage with their employee's learning. This guide helps employers navigate and utilize the reports available in the Employer Portal. It covers accessing reports, using filters, and understanding key metrics related to employee learning and engagement. The guide also explains how to drill through data for detailed insights and export information for further analysis. This ensures employers can effectively monitor and support their employees’ progress and training outcomes.


User Role

  • All users with a reporter -Employer reports permission switched on

How to: Use Employer Reports

The video below shows how to access the relevant area within Bud. Written instructions are also provided beneath the video. 

On the Employer dashboard, there is an Employer filter at the top of the page that will show only the data for the Employer Hierarchy or specific employer, this filter will apply to all reports.

Where a metric has an arrow present, this indicates that you can drill through to a page giving more details.


On each page navigation is displayed at the top, depending on which page you are on you can either go back to the main dashboard or the learner dashboard.


The section at the bottom of the page allows you to navigate to any page within the report suite.



Fielder Pickers and Filtering 

Where there is a field picker, you can choose which field is used in the x-axis of the graph – employer office, employer contact or programme name.


Where the graph has a legend, you can click on the legend values to highlight those on the graph and filter the table. Clicking a segment of the donut will have the same effect.

Exporting data: 

If you want to export data from a table, hovering over the table will reveal a 3-dots menu in the top right hand corner. Clicking on the 3 dots will give you the option to export data.



Bud Recommends 

The reports have been created with a focus on employer hierarchies, once they are available in the Employer Portal you will be able to nominate an employer contact to have access to the reports. If they are at a “Head” Employer, then the reports will include learners at the Head Employer and any child employers. We recommend you review how your employers are set up in the system to fully utilise the reports. See our knowledge base for more information