Please note, this feature is in development and due to be released in January 2025. These articles are intended to support our Customers in this feature rolling out. This feature is part of our basic package and will be turned on for all customers.
This role will be released on 10th December 2024. You can apply it to your users who intend to become your messaging administrators in preparation for the main release in January 2025.
This role is intended to support the Messaging function within your organisation.
The following users can make use of Bud Messaging:
- Messaging Administrators
How to: Accessing The Messaging Hub & viewing messages
Accessing the Messaging Hub is easy, simply click in to the 'Learners' navigation item, and then 'Message Hub'.
In the hub, you will find all of the conversations that have been created by your users.
Click into a conversation, and you can then read all of the messages. The view looks different to the normal users view, as the Message Administrator isn't a participant of the conversation.