Learner Progress Record - Overview


The Learner Progress Record (LPR) provides a comprehensive overview of a learner’s program. It tracks learning outcomes, criteria, and activities, allowing trainers to monitor progress and sign off on completed components. The LPR highlights gaps and calculates the percentage of completed qualifications, offering a clear visual representation of a learner’s journey.


User Roles 

  • Trainers 
  • IQA User Role
  • Operations Managers 
  • General Administrators  

How to: Learner Progress Record Overview

The Learner Progress Record (LPR) (as shown below) displays all the components of a learner's programme.

Each component shows the learning outcomes and associated criteria required to be achieved by a learner. Each criteria will show if an activity is planned to address the criteria and its status.


The LPR will enable a trainer to sign off when learning outcomes and units have been achieved for component qualifications.

Once an activity has been completed by a learner, the LPR will highlight the criteria that are associated with the activity and therefore also completed. You can view the completed activity by clicking on the icon next to the name of the activity.

When all activities linked to the criteria are either completed or exempted due to prior learning, the criteria will be marked as complete. At learning outcome level we will show how many criteria there are, and how many have been completed.

Signing off the learning outcome allows an IQA to see that the learning outcome is complete and can be quality assured if desired. If the IQA believes there is more work required they can provide feedback to the trainer.

Completing Qualifications

  • For a qualification or functional skill, once all criteria have been completed on the learning outcome the trainer can sign it off as 'complete'. Similarly, once all learning outcomes are complete the unit can also be marked as complete. 
  • For a standard, once all criteria have been completed and a skill scan score of at least 8 has been achieved, the learning outcome will automatically be marked as complete for you. 

Once a trainer has provided sign off an IQA has the ability to verify the work has been achieved to the correct standard, by marking the qualification as complete.

Marking a qualification as complete will trigger a notification to claim the learner's certificate in Reg and Certs. 

The LPR will also highlight any gaps i.e. any criteria not assigned to an activity. This will have been missed at programme creation and will need to be flagged to your programme manager.

Distance Travelled

As each learning outcome is completed we calculate the percentage completed for any qualifications or functional skills. Similarly, we log each time a skill scan is completed. This information is used to create a visual representation of the distance travelled by a learner. You can see this in all the various headings under the learner tab, use the arrows beneath the programme duration visual to show progress towards each component. The default display shows the learner's direct progress against the programme duration, programme activities and planned off the job hours. 

The video below shows how to access the relevant area within Bud: 


Bud Recommends 

  • Use the LPR to perform a gap analysis with learners. Spotting any gaps where further activities need to be planned to address criteria. 
  • We would advise that any gaps found are flagged to your programme manager to be rectified and avoid the need to add new activities to a learner plan