Learner Progress Record - Completing a Qualification


Once a learner has completed all their work for a qualification or functional skill you'll want to record this within Bud. This can be done within the Learner Progress Record (LPR)

User Roles

  • Trainer
  • Operations Manager
  • IQA

How to: Complete a Qualification 

  • Navigate to the Learner Progress Record
  • The trainer marks each learning outcome, unit or qualification as complete. 
    •  Note: if you mark a unit as complete, it will mark all learning outcomes within it as complete. If you mark a qualification as complete, it will mark all units and learning outcomes as complete. 
  • Bud generates a notification to the IQA dashboard when the full qualification is complete
  • IQA navigates to LPR. Reviews qualification. Marks as complete if applicable.
    • Note: when marking as complete, the IQA can input the last day of learning for the qualification. 

When an IQA confirms the qualification we will update the information in the Reg & Cert pages to indicate the qualification has been completed which will allow the qualification to be claimed. 




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