This article provides essential guidance on creating and maintaining secure passwords for the Bud platform. It outlines the requirements for password complexity and offers best practices for password management, such as avoiding common words and using a password manager. By following these guidelines, users can enhance their account security and protect their personal information.
When choosing your password, the following is enforced:
- One lowercase character
- One uppercase character
- One symbol
- One number
- 3 consecutive characters are not allowed
- 10 characters minimum
Best Practice
- We recommend passwords are not written down and where possible/provided, stored in a password management system.
- Passwords should not be re-used, choose a unique password for Bud which will not be re-used elsewhere
- Try combining random words (3 or more) which make a longer password whilst still being memorable.
Do Not Choose…
- Your name in any form — first, middle, last, maiden, spelt backwards, nickname or initials.
- Any ID number or user ID in any form even spelt backwards.
- Part of your user id or name.
- Any common name, e.g., Sue, Joe.
- Passwords of fewer than eight characters.
- The name of a close relative, friend, or pet.
- Your phone or office number, address, birthday, or anniversary.
Bud Recommends
If you are logging into Bud as part of your job, we recommend you refer to your own company's password policies when choosing and storing passwords.
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