Release 4.71 - 19th March 2024


In this release, we are introducing the first of our new review types: the Gateway Review. 

The Gateway Review is intended to be used as the meeting before a Learner goes into EPA. It can be used to validate all the minimum requirements have been met and that all parties are happy for the Learner to proceed. More information about the Gateway Review can be found in this article.

We will continue to add new review types in upcoming releases.

The questions in these Reviews have been defined in partnership with our Customer Advisory Board to meet our customer’s needs.

For more information on the new Review Types, please see this article.

For more information on further updates in the Review workstream, please see this article. 


Minimum off-the-job calculation

In response to further clarification on the use of rounding in the minimum-OTJH calculation announced by the ESFA last week, we have again updated the calculation in Bud to precisely reflect this clarification.

For more information on the calculation used, please see this article.


ILR Audits

An ILR Audit record will now be created when a learning aim is updated, for example a change or addition of a Grade, Outcome or Date.

We have added an additional data point to the ILR Audit. An ILR Audit record will now be created when a learner’s LPED is updated or added if not previously present.


Bug Fixes

Bulk Employer Upload: The “agreement ID” will no longer be a mandatory field in the bulk upload csv. This aligns with the ILR specification for this field.​

Where an agreement ID is present, this will continue to be validated against the specification for this field.


Business Intelligence - Wednesday 20th @ 2:30pm

Please note your reports may be blank for a brief time afterwards 

ILR Reconciliation - Employers

The following fields have been added to aid matching of TNP 3&4’s where dates may differ.

  • Latest ILR Learner Employment Status Date
  • ILR Apprenticeship Financial Record Date [AFinDate]



We have added a new report to Benchmarking that provides details of Learner Growth Rates. This report looks at the percentage change in Learner Numbers from the previous month modelled over the last 13 months, and allows you to see how you compare to growth rates in the industry and in providers a similar size to you.

Please note, due to a datawarehouse release we need to make for this report, there may be a delay in this report being available from the release date.

Benchmarking is a chargeable bolt-on product, please speak to your customer success manager for more details.

For a detailed understanding of the reports available, please see this article.