New Academic Year 24/25

The new academic year begins on August 1st 2024. Preparations for the change of academic year have been ongoing for some time and there will be no significant functional changes made to Bud following the “multi-year” approach introduced in 2022.

To support the 2024 to 2025 academic year, however, we do need to perform several essential technical changes.

To release these changes, we will be taking the Bud platform offline from: 

  • 11pm on 31st July to approximately 2am 1st August

When the changes have been completed and the platform reinstated you will see a number of subtle changes as we stop supporting the 22/23 ILR and switch support to the 23/24 and 24/25 ILRs.

Your data will be automatically copied into the 24/25 ILR schema and the appropriate validation rules applied to it. You will be able to access and edit data for the outgoing 23/24 academic year up until the R14 submission window closes at 6 pm on the 17th of October (at which point 23/24 data will become read-only).

Due to the transition between academic years a Data Warehouse (DWH) update will not occur on the night of the 31st July, but will resume as normal on the 1st Aug. This means you will not see your ILR data updated in the DWH until the morning of the 2nd August. 

Funding Rules

For details of changes we have made to support the 24/25 Funding rules see here