Adding BKSB assessments to programmes

When creating a programme in Bud, you have the option to add BKSB initial assessments. If you click to include these assessments, any learner enrolled on the programme will receive an invitation to complete their initial assessments as part of sign-up. Please note, that if the BKSB initial assessments are not ticked as part of the programme design, the learner will not get invited to complete assessments.

User Role

  • Programme Contributor 
  • Programme Manager 

How to: To add BKSB to a programme

  1. Navigate to the ‘Functional Skills’ tab within your chosen programme. Note - the programme will need to be in ‘Draft’ format to include BKSB


  1. Scroll down to the ‘Initial Assessment’ header. Here you have the option to tick which BKSB initial assessments you want to include within the programme. Note – you will most likely need to select the ‘reforms’ option rather than ‘legacy’. If you are migrating existing learners you may need to select legacy, please discuss this with your account manager if you think this applies to you.


  1. Click ‘save’ at the bottom of the page.

Once the programme has been published, you can begin enrolling learners on it. Now that you have selected the BKSB option, every learner enrolled onto it will receive an email inviting them to complete the initial assessments you chose. The article ‘BKSB at enrolment’ will give you more information on this.


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