Note, this release will take place on Thursday 17th instead of our usual Tuesday night release due to hard close.
In this release we are launching the following changes.
Dismiss Notifications
We have added the ability for users with access to Trainer, Operations Manager and/or IQA dashboards to dismiss most notifications once they no longer become relevant.
A dismiss button will be visible where a notification can be manually dismissed. There are some notifications that will no longer show in dashboards once an action has been completed.
Full details can be found in this knowledgebase article.
Bug Fixes
In this release, we have fixed the following bugs:
- QAR file uploading - We have addressed an issue with files failing to upload to the QAR page when another file is still be processed. This fix will prevent users from uploading a new ILR file until the previous file processing (upload or delete) has completed.
- Activity Library file propagation - In some cases, when the files added to an Activity in the library were edited, the propagation rules were not followed and the file was incorrectly removed from Learners where the activity was set within the next 30 days.
- Activity Library in Learning Plan, instructions mixed up - We have fixed an issue with the new Beta feature whereby activities added directly into the Learners Plan from the Library had the Trainer instructions and Learner instructions in the wrong place.
Business Intelligence - 21st October 2024
Please note your reports may be blank for a brief time afterwards.
Standard Reports
Break Returns Reporting
A new page has been added to the In-Flight Learners and Breaks section of Standard Reports. Learners Requesting a return from a break are visible on the main dashboard and a report accessible through this link. The report details all learners currently in the Break returns process to aid monitoring and management of this status. The report also allows you to access the existing report of learners who have returned from a break previously.
Exempt activities in submissions report
A bug whereby submissions made against exempt activities were showing in the submissions report and skewing calculations has been resolved. These submissions no longer appear in the report
Relative Ranking
We have made a change to how relative ranking is presented in the Benchmarking reports to improve user clarity.
Relative ranking is now split out of the main graph as a secondary graph displaying your rank over time as columns and the cohort size over time as a line. This enables you to see clearly Where your rank lies in relation to the cohort size each month.
Marking Time
We have also added in 13 month rolling values for Marking time. You can now see your values and relative ranking for this metric over the standard 13 month window as well as seeing the highest performing and average values in this timeframe.
Changes to definitions have been made for added clarity throughout.
Operations Dashboard
Last Login date has been added to the Breaks in Learning page to aid monitoring of learner engagement when on a break.
QAR Report
Retention rates (QRR) and Pass Rates (QPR) have now been added to both QAR Year pages detailing these metrics at an overall level and split in the data table for more detailed analysis.
Axis on QAR values pages have been set to 100% so specific QAR values can be seen at a quick glance and the axis no longer changes to represent the highest value.
Past Planned End of Practical Period slicer has been added to the potential achievers Report
Primary LLDD Health problem slicer has been added to all pages
Employer Reports
We have adjusted review reporting in the employer reports. This now comprises of the following;
- Progress reviews - to enable employers sight of these reviews as per previous iterations of the report before additional review types were added.
- Reviews with missing signatures – no change
- All Reviews – to enable monitoring of other review types as per the standard reports. To ensure information on Learning support is not shared with employers where consent has not been given, Teaching and Learning, Check-in and Learner Support reviews have been grouped into “Other Review Type” for employer reports only. Review location and status has also been added to this page.
Accessibility Enhancements
Accessibility enhancements have been made in the below reports to aid users of screen readers and keyboard users including adjusting the tab ordering for improved flow and adding ALT text to better define elements of the reports.
- Standard Reports
- Employer Reports
- Finance Reports
- ILR Reconciliation
- Accountability Framework
- Benchmarking
Datawarehouse Fields
In this release we have added the below fields to the Datawarehouse.
Table Name | Column Name | Description | Data Type | Column is Nullable |
Programme | Has Custom Content | Is there custom content at enrolment (0=No, 1=Yes) | bit | No |
Programme | Map to Assessment Criteria Enabled | Is learner mapping to criteria enabled (0=No, 1=Yes) | bit | No |
Programme | Skill Scan Enabled in Self Enrolment | Is skill scan enabled in self enrolment (0=No, 1=Yes) | bit | No |
Notice for ETL Customers
Cohort Reference length
In preparation for an upcoming change to the Learner Cohort Reference length on the platform, we will be updating the Learning Plan.[DAS Info Cohort Reference] field from nvarchar(6) to nvarchar(50) in our release scheduled for 13/11/2024. Please take this notice into account and prepare for this field adjustment.
Deprecated Table – Now removed
As mentioned in our previous release notes. We have now removed the view Presentation.[Learning Outcomes] from the data warehouse. For more information and guidance for report developers or ETL customers, please refer to the original notice here