Bug Fixes
In this release, we have fixed the following bugs:
Scrolling issue on Reg & Cert modal - when adding new evidence on the Reg & Cert page, the scrolling of the modal occasionally froze so you could not reach the bottom. This has now been fixed.
New - Performance issues
As a late addition to release 5.8.0 we are making multiple updates that our investigations have shown were contributing to the recent site performance degradation.
As part of these changes we will revert a previous fix to an issue with bullet points changing to numbered points released as part of 5.6.0. As a result of this roll-back you may see that text previously formatted with bullet point styling may change to a numbered list instead. This is a temporary situation and we expect the issue to be fully resolved week commencing 10/2/25, no further action is required from our customers at this stage.
Business Intelligence - 7th February 14:30
Please note your reports may be blank for a brief time afterwards.
Benchmarking - EPA Duration
Adjustments have been made to the EPA duration metric in benchmarking. Previously this retained a learner post completion for the entire rolling 13 months, the graph will now show the EPA duration accumulating for the time in EPA up to the completion month in order to have less skew on the averages.
This change has also been mirrored in the Management Report version of this metric.
Datawarehouse Fields
The following fields will be added to the data warehouse in this release
Table Name |
Column Name |
Description |
Data Type |
Column is Nullable |
Learner Observations |
TrainingProviderId |
Bud Training Provider Id |
uniqueidentifier |
Yes |
Programme Activities |
<16 Hours Week Finish Month |
Finish month for learners working less than 16 hours per week |
int |
Yes |
Programme Activities |
<16 Hours Week Start Month |
Start month for learners working less than 16 hours per week |
int |
Yes |
Programme Activities |
16-29 Hours Week Finish Month |
Finish month for learners working 16-29 hours per week |
int |
Yes |
Programme Activities |
16-29 Hours Week Start Month |
Start month for learners working 16-29 hours per week |
int |
Yes |
Programme Activities |
30+ Hours Week Finish Month |
Finish month for learners working 30+ hours per week |
int |
Yes |
Programme Activities |
30+ Hours Week Start Month |
Start month for learners working 30+ hours per week |
int |
Yes |
Datawarehouse Bug fixes
The following bugs have been fixed in the datawarehouse:
- Date fields that are not populated in areas we would expect them to be completed in the platform were pulling in as 01/01/0001 and showing in embedded reporting as 30/12/1899, these have been amended to store as nulls in the below fields:
- EndPointAssessment.[GatewayCompletionInformationConfirmationDate]
- EndPointAssessment.[GatewayCompletionInformationDateTimeAdded]
- EndPointAssessmentHistory.[StartDate]
- LearningPlan.[ActualEPAGatewayDate]
- LearningPlan.[lastUpdatedFromLearnerManagementStatusChange]
- CommitmentStatement.[expectedEpaGatewayDate]
- CommitmentStatement.[statusLastUpdated]
- Dates in the compliance checks table had been adjusted to GMT all year, these will now match the platform where they fall into BST