This article provides a comprehensive guide for trainers on how to mark a submission. It details the steps to review uploaded evidence, assess against criteria, provide developmental feedback, and confirm completion status. Additionally, it explains how to manage off-the-job hours and flag work for End-Point Assessment (EPA).
User Roles:
This feature can be used by the following user roles:
- Trainer
- Ops Manager
How to: Mark a Submission
The short video below outlines how to mark a submission within Bud, additional information regarding marking submissions is also described in the steps underneath:
- Go to the learner portfolio or click the submission in their dashboard.
- Click 'Mark Submission'
- Click the uploaded evidence to review
- Click the desired assessment criteria by ticking off what has been achieved by the learner
- Note - If at programme build specific criteria have already been mapped to this activity Bud will show this as a default view. Check that the activity does in fact meet these criteria. Click the 'Show all criteria' toggle to view all criteria from all components, here you can confirm any additional criteria that may have been met, or where there has been no pre-mapping of the activity you can select all of the relevant criteria.
- Add developmental feedback using the rich text editor
- Upload any files for the learner. This may be annotated work or other materials to help them.
- If the learner had additional learning support, there is an opportunity to confirm what support had been given. This will automatically go into the learner's ALS log.
- Confirm the amount of actual off the job hours the learner spent on the activity.
- Note - The hours on the submission may be prepopulated with the pending entry suggestion made by the learner at the point of submission.
- The trainer should confirm if the submission is
- Complete - no further work is required and the activity is done. This will place the activity into a status of 'Confirmation Pending' until the learner confirms the feedback.
- Partially complete - further work is required to reach the desired sign off. This will place the activity back into a status of 'In Progress'
- A trainer can flag the work for EPA. This acts as an identifier that the particular activity may be of interest for EPA later.
- Click 'Save'
Please note that once an activity has been marked as complete it cannot be reopened and edited.