IQA Dashboard


The IQA Dashboard in Bud is a central hub for managing Internal Quality Assurance activities. This guide provides an overview of the dashboard’s features, including viewing completed aims, sampling reports and learners who have been flagged for EPA. 

Prefer to watch a video? Click here to watch a webinar on the IQA dashboard and aim completion process as part of our Client Education series. 

User Roles

This feature can be used by the following user roles:

  • IQA Role

How to: Use the IQA Dashboard 

The IQA dashboard is used to flag information relevant to an IQA and will be the first page an IQA sees when they log into Bud. The video provides a high-level overview of the IQA dashboard, further information on each of the tabs is provided underneath the video: 


When a learner completes all the units in a qualification, the trainer is able to mark this as complete which will generate a notification on the IQA dashboard. In order to sign these off as the IQA, you can drill down into the information by clicking the 'view' button next to the learner's name. As you sign off the aims, the actions on the dashboard will be closed.

Note that at this point, all IQAs will see the same list, so any IQA has the ability to sign off an aim. 


The second tab, 'Sampling' will show the details about the IQA sampling reports that have been undertaken where you are the named IQA.

This section will become populated with a list of IQA sample reports once they have been confirmed as ‘actions completed’ by the relevant trainer. 

By clicking 'View', you will be taken to the sampling report, allowing you to verify the actions have been done. 

If the actions are still outstanding, do not click ‘Confirm’.  When all actions have been completed and you as the IQA confirm this, the sample report will be moved to a status of ‘Complete’.


The third tab, 'EPA', will show details about the learners who have been flagged by a trainer as being ready for EPA.  This notification will allow the IQA to confirm the evidence for the learner is sufficient to go through EPA gateway.