Countersigning in Bud ensures that assessment decisions are validated by qualified trainers. This guide outlines the recommended process for countersigning, including selecting the activity, reviewing evidence and feedback, and uploading the countersigned document to the learner’s profile. By following these steps, trainers can maintain a clear audit trail.
User Role
- Trainer
How to: Recommended Process for Countersigning
To countersign a trainers assessment decision:
- Select the activity you wish to countersign
- Review evidence, feedback, and decision
- Note feedback on internal documentation
- Upload the countersigned document to ‘Additional Evidence’ in the overview section of the learner you sampled
If you are unhappy with the assessment decision and you require the trainer to do more:
- Ask the trainer to add in a new activity called ‘countersigning actions’
- Learner/Trainer to upload relevant changes to the new activity above
- Countersigner to review new activity and upload a further document to ‘Additional Evidence’ in the overview section of the learner you sampled
Once the countersigning has taken place and the documents uploaded to the ‘Additional Evidence’ you will have an audit trail of what was done and when.