Rich Text Editor (RTE)


The Rich Text Editor (RTE) empowers users to format text and enhance documents with various elements like images, links, and multimedia. This tool supports a range of formatting options, including bold, italic, underline, and lists, making it easy to create visually appealing content. Whether you’re adding a hyperlink or embedding a video, the RTE ensures your documents are both functional and accessible. 


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How to: Use Rich Text Editor



Applies Bold formatting to highlighted text.

Italic Applies Italic formatting to highlighted text.
Underline Applies underline formatting to highlighted text.
Strikethrough Applies Strike Through formatting to highlighted text.
Numbered list Create numbered lists.
Bulleted list Create bulleted lists.
Increase/decrease indent Increase or decrease the Paragraph Indent.
Subscript Subscript the highlighted text. A Subscript is a character that is set slightly below the normal line of type.

Superscript the highlighted text. A Superscript is a character that is set slightly above the normal line of type.

Headline size 1 Format headlines to structure.
Headline size 2 Format headlines to structure.
Block Format a block of text to identify quotations. A block quotation is a quotation in a written document that is set off from the main text as a paragraph, or block of text and is typically distinguished visually using indentation and a different typeface or smaller size font.
Code Allows you to format a block of text as a code snippet. Please note, formatting text as a code snippet does not provide the ability to run code within Bud. 
Link Create a Hyperlink.

Inserts images into the document. Note: When adding an image, Bud will ask you to add an Alt Tag description. Every image element must contain the ALT attribute within a page’s HTML mark up. It’s the first principle of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, without them a page is inaccessible.  

Movie Inserts movie/audio into the document.

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While some basic HTML can be used, Rich Text views are not code views so some elements may be stripped from the view when saved.