Activity Library - How to Publish An Activity


Publishing an activity in Bud’s Activity Library is a key step in finalising your programme content. This guide will walk you through the process, from requesting approval to ensuring all necessary details are complete. By following these steps, you can move your activities from draft to published status, making them available for learners. 

User Roles

  • Programme Manager
  • Programme Contributor

How to: Publish an Activity 

  • Once you have created an activity a 'Request Approval' button is available.
  • Prior to requesting approval be sure to review the content.
  • Please note to request approval the activity name, summary, detailed learner instructions, trainer instructions and off the job hours (even if 0 is entered) must all be completed. 
  • The activity moves into an ‘Awaiting approval’ status for a Programme Manager to review and either withdraw the approval, putting the activity back to ‘Draft’, or publish, putting the activity into the ‘Published’ state.

The video below outlines how to publish an activity: 

Please note:

  • A Programme Contributor can only request approval, they are unable to review and publish activities.
  • A Programme Manager can both review and publish their own and others' activities. They can filter the library by ‘Awaiting Approval’ to easily identify the activities that require review and approval/withdrawal.

Once activities are published they can be edited.