Programme Configuration - Skill Scan in Self-Enrolment


This guide explains how to configure the Skill Scan feature in self-enrolment within the Bud platform. It covers the steps for enabling this feature, which allows applicants to complete a Skill Scan during their self-enrolment process. By following this guide, programme managers and contributors can ensure that learners’ skills are accurately assessed from the start.

Please note that you will need the 'Skill Scan in Self-Enrolment' feature switch enabled in order to use this programme configuration. This feature switch is available for Premium customers and if you would like to enable it for your tenancy then please speak to your Customer Success Manager.

User Roles

This feature can be used by the following user roles:

  • Programme Contributor
  • Programme Manager 

How to: Updating the Skill Scan configuration

If you have enabled the 'Skill Scan in Self-Enrolment' feature switch in your tenancy, when viewing the programme design page then you will see an additional section called 'Learner experience' in the 'Settings' tab:

Prog - SS config.png

The checkbox will be selected by default once the feature switch has been enabled and this indicates that the applicant will be able to see and complete the Skill Scan during self-enrolment for this programme.

If you would like to disable the Skill Scan in self-enrolment for specific programmes, simply unselected this checkbox and save the page.

Please note that the change will only come into affect once the programme has been published.

This field can be edited using the edit published programmes functionality. For more information on how to edit published programmes, please see this article. Again, the change will only come into affect once the programme has been re-published.