Mapping Assessment Criteria to your submissions


In this article, we explain how a Learner can suggest which assessment criteria items have been completed as part of their submission of work. 

Please note: This feature may not be turned on by your Training Provider, speak to your Training Provider if you wish to clarify. 


User Role

The intended user of this article is:

  • Learner


How to: Map assessment criteria items to your submission

Follow the below steps to to map the criteria onto a submission. If you prefer, you can watch the short video here.

    1. Once you have completed a submission, navigate to that activities 'Submissions & messages' page. 

    2. In the submission, you will see a 'status pill', showing if you have completed any mapping already. 

    3. Click the 'Map Criteria' button: 


    4. In the new window, you can select the criteria you want to map. 

Note, you can see which criteria is recommended by the Training Providers curriculum teams. 

    5. Click 'Save' 

Once saved you will be taken back to the activity. You are able to edit your mappings by clicking the 'Map Criteria' button a second time. 


How to video

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