How To Submit Your Work


This guide provides step-by-step instructions for uploading files, assignments, and evidence for activities in your learning plan. It covers navigating to the relevant activity, accessing the submissions tab, and uploading your work. The guide also includes tips on file size limits, supported formats, and adding comments for your trainer, helping to ensure you can submit your work and receive timely feedback.


User Role

  • Learner 

How to: Submit Work  

The video below shows how to access the relevant area within Bud. Written instructions are also provided beneath the video. 

  1. Navigate to the activity in your learning plan you want to submit work against
  2. Click view to take you to the messages and submissions tab for the activity 
  3. Once in the submissions & messages tab click the 'make a submission' tab (If want to check you have completed everything prior to your submission select the activity details tab)
  4. Upload your work. You will also need to add a comment for your trainer and add any additional off the job hours if required
  5. Click to confirm the work is your own work. 
  6. Click the submit button

Please note when uploading work / files: 

  • The file size may not exceed 500 MB. 
  • If the file size exceeds 500MB, please split it into smaller files that do not exceed 500MB. The file size is applicable to individual files, not the activity itself. 
  • Whilst you can only make one submission at a time, you can attach multiple files to one submission.
  • If you need to make another submission, please let your trainer know by sending them a message. They can then mark your first submission as partially complete, allowing you to make a subsequent submission.
  • File names cannot contain special characters (&, £, " etc)
  • The following file formats are supported: 
    • Adobe PDF (.pdf) 
    • Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt/.pptx/) 
    • Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx/.rtf/.otd) 
    • Microsoft Excel (.xls/ .xlsx/ .csv/) 
    • Most .txt files 
    • Most image files (.jpg .png) 
    • Most audio files (.m4a, .mp3, .wma, .avi, .mov, .mp4, .wav) 
    • E-mail files (.msg, .eml, .emlx) 
    • Code files (.ipynb, .r, .rmd, .html, .py, .json) 
    • SCORM Packs (SCORM 2004) 
    • Pbit and pbix format.