Bud Messaging gives you an area in the platform to communicate with your trainers, and Employer Contact.
Important Information
Some information that is helpful to be aware of when using Bud Messaging:
- Your Training Provider will have a 'Messaging Administrator' that will have access to your conversation to monitor and check for safeguarding and misuse. Messages that are deleted by any user, will remain visible to that administrator.
- If your Primary Trainer changes whilst you're on programme, your new trainer will replace the existing trainer in the conversation, so that they have visibility of the latest communications.
- If your Employer changes, the old Employer conversation will be set to read only and the new Employer will not have access. A new conversation will need to be initiated by your trainer.
In our first iteration, we have not included alerts or notifications to notify you of new messages outside of the Messaging Hub. This feature is coming soon.
How to: Accessing Bud Messaging
Accessing Bud Messaging is super simple, just click the 'Message Hub' at the top of the page
How to: Start a conversation with your primary trainer
If you don't already have a conversation with your Primary Trainer, then you can initiate it to contact them.
1. Go to the Message Hub
2. Click 'Message [trainer name]'
3. You're good to go and send a message.
How to: Locate a Conversation
To find an existing conversation, you can use the search filter at the top of the Messaging Hub. This will search the names of the participants within the conversation.
If an Employer is part of a conversation, you will see their name and icon within the list of conversations on the hub.