Storing Documents Against an Employer in Bud



Storing documents against an employer in Bud Systems helps you to maintain comprehensive records. This feature allows administrators to upload and manage important documents such as Health & Safety evidence (H&S), Employer Liability Insurance (ELI), and written agreements. These documents are reportable and are populated to applicant enrolment documentation, ensuring consistency and saving you time!

User Roles

  • Trainer 
  • Operations Manager
  • Employer Administrator

How to: Store Documents against an Employer in Bud 

  • Navigate to the ‘Employers’ section of Bud
  • Search for the relevant employer and select
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page to add each of the following: 

1. Employer liability insurance certificate

This can be used to upload any relevant liability insurance information for an employer site. 


2. Health & safety evidence

This can be used to upload any relevant H&S information for an employer site. 


3. Written agreement evidence

If a provider wishes to add further documents to an employer record in Bud, then the written agreement evidence is available for use.
