Employer Portal - How to Provide Access


The Employer Portal is a dedicated area to provide employers with real-time information on the status of their learners. It is an area where an employer can log in to view information about both their applications and learners including: 

  • Signed documents and any documents with outstanding signatures related to an application 
  • Individual learner progress 
  • Completed reviews 
  • Apprenticeship costs 
  • Contribute to planned learner reviews

User Roles

  • Trainer
  • Operations Manager
  • Employer Administrator

How to: Provide an Employer with Access to the Portal 

The video below shows how to access the relevant area within Bud to invite an employer contact to the portal:

Resending the invite: 

  • Once the invitation has been sent you can re-send it by clicking:
  • Re-Send Invite’.



Disabling Access: 

  • If you no longer wish the employer contact to have access to the portal click:  
  • 'Disable Access'

Alternative method: 

The other way an employer contact can be invited is by asking them to sign a document. The system will identify if the contact is already registered, and if not, we will send them an e-mail asking them to register and sign the document.