Within Bud, it is possible to send email requests for remote signatures to learners or employers, who can then log into Bud to review and sign documents. Once all required signatures are obtained, the application status updates to ‘Signed Up’ automatically. This article explains how to use this feature.
- Trainer
- Operations Manager
- General Administrator
How to: Request Remote Signatures
At the bottom of each document you'll see the option to ‘Send request via Email':
Doing this will send an email to the learner or employer asking them to log into Bud, review the document, and sign it. If the user hasn't registered for Bud the e-mail will contain a link which will allow them to register for Bud, after which they'll be able to log in and sign the document via their dashboard.
Viewing a Document
When a user logs into Bud, if they have a document to sign they'll see a list of their unsigned documents on the main page as soon as they log in:
Documents will have to be signed in the order of Application Summary, Training Plan, and Application Funding. The screenshot above shows this order, as the user can only view the Training Plan and Application Funding, whilst the Application Summary remains unsigned. As soon as the Application Summary is signed the Training Plan would be unlocked and available to sign.
In order to sign a document a user just needs to click on the ‘Sign’ button, view the document and sign at the bottom using a touchpad or their mouse, just as a trainer would. Once a document has been signed by all participants it will be automatically completed, as it is now. Similarly, once all documents are completed for an application the status will automatically be updated to 'Signed Up'.