ILR Audit - Overview

The ILR audit has been developed to provide full visibility of changes that have been made to ILR data by way of a business process or via a direct override of the the ILR data. 

Each time a change is detected to a value that is reported in the ILR an audit record will be produced to record the details of the change. The detail displayed in each audit "tile" will vary slightly depending upon the nature of the change and the process that initiated the change.


The following video is an extended walkthrough of the ILR Audit Functionality.


You can view the ILR audit for a learner by clicking on the "ILR Audit" option in the "Administration" dropdown menu for a learner. Please note this will only be visible to users with the "ILR Administrator" permission claim



There are several possible types of change that can be observed in the ILR audit, these include:

Property edited - When the value of an ILR field is changed the "Previous Value" and "Updated Value" will be shown.

Property deleted - When an entity is deleted (e.g. a qualification or employment record removed) the deleted value will be shown

Property added - When an entity has been added (e.g. a qualification or employment record added) the added value(s) will be shown


Each tile is presented in a similar fashion displaying the following key elements

Type of change - The nature of the change eg. Property edited

Business object changed - This is primary business object that has been changed eg. Learner Address, Benefits or Learner qualifications.

Values changed -This explains what has changed to trigger the ILR audit event

Business process responsible for the change - This is the process that triggered the change to ILR details eg. Return from break in learner or Override: Learning delivery entity. 

Funding year affected - This shows the funding year (in the format YY YY) that is affected by the change. NB: where a change affects more than one funding year, such as a change during the R13/R14 cross-over period there will be an ILR tile created for each independent funding year. The default filtering for funding year will be set to the "current" ILR year. 

User who initiated the change - This provides the details of the user who was actively logged-in and initiated the action which resulted in the change being made eg. the active user who made an override to the ILR page. NB: On first release there may be occasions where a user name is not displayed, this will be resolved in Jan '24. 

Date/Time of change - This is the date and time that the action that resulted in the change to the ILR was performed. 


Important information:

  • The ILR audit will only contain details of changes that have a direct effect one or more fields presented in the ILR xml file. If a change is made that only affects a non-ILR field it will not be displayed
  • Audit logs will only begin once the feature is released to customer and a learner's ILR audit log will only contain entries for changes made following the release of that ILR audit element. The elements being released will be clearly communicated in the relevant release notes.   
  • There will be NO retrospective populating of the ILR Audit at this time
  • The ILR audit is a visual representation of changes made to the ILR, there is no mechanism for the audit to make changes i.e. it is "read only"
  • The ILR audit will only be viewable to users with the ILR Administrator permission role

To find out more about the ILR Audit visit the following articles: