Review Type - Start


The Start Review in Bud is designed to be the initial session once a learner begins their program. It includes questions to assess understanding of the program, career goals, additional support needs, and arrangements for off-the-job training hours. These questions have been defined in partnership with Buds Customer Advisory Board to ensure they meet Providers needs. The questions cannot be customised. 

Trainer Questions

These questions will be presented to the Training Provider user, and can only be answered by them. 


Question Data Type Dependent answer Dependent question

Review and discussion of the training plan including requirement for functional skills (if applicable). Please detail discussion points:



Have any additional support needs been disclosed or identified throughout enrolment or in this  meeting? 



How can the programme be adjusted to meet their needs? Is an ALS Plan required? 

Summarise Information, Advice and Guidance provided today



Do you have any other comments or feedback for the Learner? ​




Learner Questions

These questions will be presented to the Learner, and can be answered by the Learner and Training Provider user.


Question Data Type Dependent answer Dependent question
Detail your understanding of the programme you have enrolled on. Text    
What are your career aims and aspirations and how does this apprenticeship programme align with your goals? Text    
Are you aware of the requirement for Functional Skills and/or English and math's learning throughout your programme? Boolean Yes Please confirm what functional skills you require (if applicable).
Are you aware of the requirement for Functional Skills and/or English and math's learning throughout your programme? Boolean No Please detail your current understanding
Do you have any other comments? Text    
Do you have any concerns over your health or wellbeing? Boolean Yes Please provide details


Employer Questions

These questions will be presented to the Employer, and can be answered by the Employer and Training Provider user.



Data Type Dependent answer Dependent question
Do you foresee any concerns regarding the Learners ability to complete this programme?  e.g. workload, annual leave or commitment? Boolean    
Are there any areas the Learner should focus on? ​ Text    
Please provide an overview of the Learners roles & responsibilities within the organisation and what opportunities they will have to meet the Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours required? Text    
What arrangements are in place to provide the minimum Off the Job requirements?  Text    
Do you have any other comments or feedback for the Learner? ​ Text    


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