Learning Delivery – Reviews Overview


Within Bud, we give you the ability to periodically review and evidence a learner's progress, providing you with a simple way to capture feedback from both the learner and employer along with a consolidated view of all reviews to assist compliance and monitoring.

User Roles

  • Trainer
  • Ops Manager

How to: Progress Review Overview:

As part of a review, you'll work through:

  1. Schedule the review - set the date, time and location of the review together with the participants
  2. Provide Feedback - the trainer, learner & employer can provide feedback as soon as the review is scheduled. 
  3. Complete review - When you are ready to complete the review you can take a snapshot of the activities and progression, and provide any remaining feedback.
  4. Confirmation - the trainer, learner & employer all have to confirm that they're happy with the outcome of the progress review once it's been completed. 

To access the review area in Bud, select 'Reviews' from the 'Learning' drop down menu:  






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