ILR - How to Manually Edit a Learners ILR


There may be occasions where you want to edit the ILR data for a learner to ensure it is correct and up to date or to rectify any errors that have been identified as a result of an ILR submission to the Hub.

User Roles

This feature can be used by the following user roles:

  • ILR Administrators 

How to: Edit a Learner's ILR 

IMPORTANT: We would advise that changes are made where possible within Learner Admin. Any changes made outside this may no longer be synchronised with Learner Admin Data. 

The video below shows how to access the relevant area to manually edit a learner's ILR. Written instructions and further information are also provided beneath the video. 

  • You can edit the ILR data of a learner by searching for the learner and navigating to their individual learner dashboard
  • Once within their dashboard click on the Administration tab and select ILR from the dropdown menu.

From here you will be able to view every piece of ILR data relating to that individual learner that is reported on the ILR return. You will find that the data has been broken down in accordance with the relevant ILR entity; Learner, Employment, Learning Delivery, HE, and DP outcome.  To view the data held under each entity you simply have to select the relevant tab.

  • Within each entity, you will have various sections that make up the contents of the entity. To the top right of each section, there will be an Edit button
  • Selecting Edit will allow you to edit any data field for that individual learner, giving you the ability to correct any errors that may have been identified as a result of a submission to the Hub, or to simply ensure the learner data is correct and up to date.
  • Once you are happy with the changes you have made click Save to save the changes, or Cancel if no longer required.

Once any changes have been saved they will now overwrite the data held on the ILR and any future ILR returns generated will include the changes you have made.