Programme Approvals and Management - Publishing a Programme


This article guides you through the process of publishing OST programmes after completing a gap analysis. It explains the steps to move a programme from draft to awaiting approval, and finally to published status. By following these instructions, you can ensure your programme is ready for learner enrolment. 


User Roles

  • Programme Contributor
  • Programme Manager

How to: Publish a Programme

Draft to Awaiting Approval Status

Whilst a programme and its activities are being created, it will always be in a “Draft” status. Once the programme is ready, the next action is to change the status to “Awaiting Approval”. To do this: 


1. Open the relevant programme from the programmes page.

2. Navigate to the “Confirm” tab

3. Select “Request Approval”.

Awaiting Approval to Published Status

The “Awaiting Approval” status is the opportunity for the Programme Manager to check and confirm that the programme is fit for purpose. Some of the areas that are recommended to check include:

  • Does the programme cover all aspects of the standards and associated qualifications?
  • Does it meet the required planned off the job learning hours?
  • Is there a sufficient amount of activities?
  • Is the content of the activities learner friendly?
  • Are appropriate resources attached to the programme?
  • Does the programme have practice versions of End Point Assessment? (where relevant) 

We recommend the following are consulted when reviewing the configuration of a programme to make sure it reflects the requirements of the training provider:

  • Compliance Subject Matter Expert – to review the configuration of the programme relating to compliance such as mandatory and optional components, suggested duration, funding of component aims, optional unit selection, OTJ thresholds, etc.
  • Programme Subject Matter Expert– to quality assure the learning activities, criteria mappings and overall proposed learning experience.
  • Functional skill Subject Matter Expert – to review the configuration of functional skill durations and any specific learning activities included in the programme design.

Once the Programme Manager feels the programme is ready to enrol learners on, they can "Publish" the programme by: 


1. Open the relevant programme from the programmes page.

2. Navigate to the “Confirm” tab

3. Select "Publish".

The status of the programme will now change to “Published” and is ready to enrol learners onto.

What if further work is required? 

If further work is needed before the programme can be published, the Programme Manager can “Withdraw Approval”. This changes the programme status back to “Draft” to allow more editing work to be completed.

Editing Published Programmes 

It’s worth noting that once a programme is published, your ability to edit the programme will be limited. You will be able to edit any of the text boxes and links within an activity. However, you will not be able to add activities to the main programme.

The only way you can add more activities to a published programme is through individual learners that are enrolled on the programme. This is done by going into a learner’s plan and adding an activity specifically for them.