This article guides you through using the Activity Library to build to OST programmes. It covers steps for selecting and adding activities from the library, ensuring they are correctly configured with start and end dates, and mapping to assessment criteria. By following these instructions, you can streamline the activity creation process and maintain consistency across programmes.
When building other skills and training programmes, you have two options for adding activities:
- Create an individual, bespoke activity for that specific programme manually
- Adding from the activity library
User Roles
- Programme Contributor
- Programme Manager
How to: Add Activities to Other Skills and Training Programme Build Using the Activity Library
- Create your programme completing the settings, qualification and functional skills tabs in the usual way.
- On the activities tab, you have the option to add from the library or add via manual entry
- Click ‘Add via activity library’
- This will open a view of the activity library, note this will only present published activities so if any activities that you require are not showing. Please return to the library and take that activity through the approval process.
- You can select single activities, or filter and select all that are presented on the screen.
- Here the tagging comes into use, enabling you to easily identify groupings of activities and add them in one go.
- Once you have made your selection, click ‘Add selected to programme’.
- You will be taken back to the activities tab in your programme build and will now be able to see the activities that have been added.
- You will notice a red alert appears on those activities stating the ‘start and end dates needed’ and ‘Assessment criteria needed’. These will need to be edited for each activity added from the library.
- Click ‘edit’ to update this data. Once in the activity, click ‘edit’ at the top to make the edits. Note no other activity data is editable as this can only be completed in the activity library for these activities.
- Click ‘save and next’ when you have updated the target start/end dates as required.
- You will then be taken to Step 2: Map to assessment criteria.
- To edit these, you will need to again click ‘edit’ at the top of the screen, and then map to the criteria.
- The red alert will now disappear; however, you can still edit those details if required by going through the same process.
- When ready, you can ‘request approval’ to publish the programme. Note that if any activities have returned to a state of ‘draft’ or ‘awaiting approval’ in the library, they will be required to be published before you can publish the programme, and an alert will show.
Please note; you are advised not to clone a programme that uses activities from the library at this stage until propagation development has been completed. You should create a new programme and follow the above steps.
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If you would like more detailed guidance on using the activity library please visit our knowledge base here. Please note this article is aimed at using the library within an apprenticeship programme however the functionality is the same.