Employer Reports Webinar

Our Employer Reports have been created with a focus on the data that employers need to help them engage with their employee’s learning.


For the first phase we have made these available to internal users to allow you to understand the reports and plan how you want to roll these out to your Employers. Work is already underway to include these in the Employer Portal to allow employers continuous access to data.

This should be available in Q4 2022 and we will provide further updates during the coming months.

For full details please see Employer Reports Articles

Employer Reports - Applications

Employer Reports - Learning 



Q) Can the Data be exported?

Yes, you can use the three dots on a table to export the data. Please see our "how to use" guide .


Q) Does the Activity and Engagement Metrics include learners in EPA?

No, we have excluded In EPA Learners from the Metrics . The learner statuses we have included are 

  • In progress
  • break requested / approved
  • Withdrawal requested / approved

Q) What is included in the Engagement Metric ?
Bud defines engagement as "a submission or message from the learner, submission by the trainer , or a completed progress review".


Q) Can we track functional Skills in the reports ?

In the EPA Readiness report we have included a column to indicate if a learner has functional skills outstanding. In addition to this, we are looking at adding an additional report focused purely on functional skills.


Q) How often do the reports refresh?

The reports will refresh every 2 hours.