OST Scottish Apprenticeships - Programme Build


This article provides a step-by-step guide for building OST Scottish Apprenticeship programmes. It covers the necessary steps, including selecting the relevant apprenticeship framework, choosing pathways, and configuring qualifications. By following these instructions, providers can ensure their programmes meet Scottish qualifications standards and are ready for learner enrolment. 

This feature is available as a feature switch, please talk to your Account Manager about enabling it.

Please ensure that the apprenticeship frameworks/qualifications you wish to deliver are already in the Bud platform. For more information please contact your Account Manager or visit our knowledge base here.


How to: Creating Scottish Apprenticeship Programmes

In order to use Scottish Apprenticeship applications you will need to create OST Scottish Apprenticeship programmes. Please note that any existing Scottish Apprenticeship programmes previously created will not be compatible with the OST applications.

To create a new programme:

1. Select ‘OST Scottish Apprenticeship’.


2. Search and select the relevant apprenticeship framework

3. Select the relevant pathway associated with that apprenticeship framework: 

4. Select the relevant qualifications and create the draft of your new programme:

5. From here you are able to design your new OST Scottish Apprenticeship programme with the same functionality as other OST programmes in Bud:

Searching for OST Scottish Apprenticeships

You can search for and filter by OST Scottish Apprenticeship programmes in the programmes list:

They will follow the same process as other programmes in Bud and have a status of: